Don't eat the coleus

Niceville, FL(Zone 8b)

Some bug it eating big chunks out of my coleus leafs. I am reluctant to use pesticide, but I might have to. I am a poor college student, any cheap homemade remedies I can try first.


Niceville, FL(Zone 8b)

Howdy neighbor. Where in Niceville do you live? I am back in Palm Estates. I have about a zillion seeds. Would love to share some with you. Here is a good site with some homemade pesticides.

Did you go to Niceville High School? Both my kids did. My daughter graduated from UWF and is at University of Florida in Gainesville now working on her PHD in neuroscience.

Welcome to Daves. This is a great place. There is also another person on the board from Niceville. She lives just down the street. Lisa

Birmingham, AL(Zone 8a)

OMGosh there really is a place called Niceville? And there are bugs there? What a bummer. I use cayenne pepper on anything the bugs go for - deters caterpillars and slugs like crazy. You can just sprinkle it on and around the plants.

So rylaff, you have a zillion seeds, eh? Let me find a pen and make a list...

Niceville, FL(Zone 8b)

Yes, I did not make it up. There really is a place called Niceville. It is on the bay and right next to Destin. Still small townish and really is nice.

Lenexa, KS(Zone 6a)

Cayenne Pepper, huh? Gonna give it a try. I'm so tired of going outside to check on things to find a plant completely stripped of it's leaves. Tried bell peppers in pots this year (my first for veggies!) and got the 2 gorgeous fruit. Was waiting on them to turn a golden orange color and then the dalgarned caterpillers stripped it. Tonight I discover a Blackie vine completely stripped.

It's war! And cayenne pepper will be my weapon of choice. Thanks DD!

Valley Village, CA

I really don't know if soap and water with a little coconut oil would kill the larger bugs, I was told 409 would do it, and I have used several household products for the little bugs, the big ones I don't know if it would work. I use these in a mister. Each catgerpiller will turn into a butterfly or moth. I used to hand pick off the caterpillars, I use a bucket of hot water to dump the snails. Salt will work on them, but it kills plants. Saffers soap cost about $5.00. What kind of bug do you think it is, try to narrow it down. Then I will ask our curator what will work on whatever specie you have. I think this would be of interest to other so I will post the response here. Norma

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