HELP! Tulip Poplar Top Gone!

Memphis, TN(Zone 7b)


We came home from vacation today to find that the top of our approximately 10yr old tulip poplar had succumbed to heavy winds during a recent storm. The two upper most branches, one being the leader, were ripped out. Any advice on how I can save the tree? I've looked on the internet and have found a couple of things, but if anyone has actual experience, I'd appreciate any advice you can give.


Crossville, TN(Zone 7a)

Try duct taping the broken limbs back to the mother plant?

Memphis, TN(Zone 7b)

They were completely off and laying on the ground. And the wound had probably had a couple of days to start healing so that's not an option. I think if I cut it down to a certain point, it will fork nicely and these other two branches may grow to fill it in. I hope. Thanks for the idea, though.

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