suggestions for a shade tree

Pahrump, NV(Zone 8a)

I want to plant a shade tree between house and garage in an area which is lawn. The distance between the house and garage is about 30 feet.

I'd like a moderately fast growing tree so we can have some shade pretty soon, but I want a tree that will last, so the super fast growing species are probably not an option.

I really wanted a weeping willow but alas, they are apparently plagued by borers in our area. I see them all over town looking half dead, and the local nursery guy tells me it's borers. Plus it would probably get too big for the area I had in mind, even if it lived long

He suggested a Texas Umbrella tree, but I understand it drops pods/fruit that is toxic, and I have dogs that will try to eat anything. So that's out. Also I think it also gets too big.

What I would really like is a tree that doesn't get too terribly big, but spreads out a canopy to provide shade. With real leaves. Kinda just like a picture a child would draw of a tree. Hope this makes sense ):

I am in Pahrump, NV, so it's hot in the summer (up to 110) and cold in the winter (maybe low teens).

The soil is clay and akaline. Water is not a problem, we're on a well so we have plently of water.

And nothing toxic to pets.
(As a side note, seems like many things i would like to try to plant are toxic to pets...sigh)

Any suggestions?

Thanks everyone,

(Love this place BTW)

Limerick, PA(Zone 6b)

Here are a few you might consider, based on an "advanced query" from (all are long lived with no toxicity, and hardy to below zero). format is latin name, common name, growth rate, mature height, minimum pH, maximum pH:

Alnus rhombifolia, white alder, Rapid, 75, 6, 7.5

Amelanchier utahensis, Utah serviceberry, Rapid, 15, 5.6, 8.4

Celtis laevigata var. reticulata, netleaf hackberry, Rapid, 30, 7, 8

Chilopsis linearis, desert willow, Rapid, 25, 7, 8.5

Cornus sericea ssp. occidentalis, western dogwood, Moderate 16, 4.8, 7.5

Quercus chrysolepis, canyon live oak, Slow, 90, 4.5, 7.5

Since you like Weeping Willow, here's a link for Desert Willow:

This message was edited Jul 7, 2004 2:52 PM

Pahrump, NV(Zone 8a)

Thanks very much Ewald

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