Organic Fertilizers, Alfalfa Meal, Bonemeal etc. U.S. source

Waterville, KS

Hi Everyone: I purchased 3 bags of Alflafa meal from a U.S. source that I wanted to pass along to you all. You can order products and have them shipped to you very reasonably. Its an organic fertilizer supplier named: Kalona Organic Fertilizers, 205-14th St., Kalona, Iowa 52247, contact name is Jeff Cox. Email address is:

They are working on a website for their co. but its not up and running yet.

They offer many other organic fertilizers & soil amendments including : Bone meal, blood meal, Ida-Phos (trace minerals) corn gluten meal, gypsum (21% calcium-17% sulfur) Liquid fish emulsions, seaweed extract, Diatomaceous earth, just to name a few.

My granular fertilizers go mainly to the Amish in 50# bags and are delivered all over the central US from Kansas to Ohio to Wisc. and everywhere in between. We have a tremendous reputation that we covet dearly and work hard to maintain year after year.

Give them a try ! Very friendly, outstanding service and terrific products !

Oostburg, WI(Zone 5b)

Your post brought back fond memories...we had a tire seal go out just south of Kalona 11 years ago. Wonderful people there! We had a partial load of feeder lambs on, they unloaded them at the sale barn and kept them for 2 days until the parts came and the trailer was fixed. No charge to feed them for 2 days. Lots of neat antique, wood and stitching/quilting shops to explore (on foot, ha ha!) with a 4 yr. old along! But it was fun! Our DD is a cat freak and found a cat afghan at one shop for her birthday. Needed one more day to finish the exploring but alas! trailer was fixed and we hit the trail...

Waterville, KS

Awww Kooger that is so nice. Things like that happen to me all the time LOL. Every trip is an adventure !! This fellow at Kalona Fertilier, Jeff Cox is very very nice. He shipped the Alfalfa meal to me without even invoicing me first. He trust me. How often do you see that anymore?

The meal is fine and light - like large dill weed type texture and I believe its in 5 lb bags for $3.75 a bag? I am going to try broadcasting it on my front lawn. Its not big and there is plenty of grass but its a bit wimpy in texture. We are on clay soil here and it needs the extra oomph. I will aerate it later too. I noticed with the soaked alfalfa pellets that the mush tends to mat on the surface of the soil, so I will run my claw over the soil just to open up the mats.

I am so glad you have a great experience when you passed thru Kalona. This co. sure seems to be a good one...honest, friendly, helpful and terrific service !!! Thanks for sharing.

Oostburg, WI(Zone 5b)

gosh, did you check out the new subscribers list? Looks like they're 'in' here at Dave's. I 'spose you talked them into a membership? lol Good job!!

Waterville, KS

YAAAAAAAAY AND WELCOME KALONAORGANIC !!!! Waves from across the border !!! Yippeeeeeeee !! Happy 4th of July !!!! Thanks for letting me know Kooger !

Kalona, IA

Thanks for the recommendations!! It means a lot to us here!!
After looking through the discussion forum and reading some of the posting left by members it was clear that this is something we would like to be a part of. What wonderful, practical advice and friendly people.
You are certainly correct on the people and their character of this little Amish town in SE Iowa. I will pass along a copy of your email to the others at the chamber of commerce meeting in a couple weeks as I'm sure they will be delighted also.
Looking forword to utilizing the forums and helping our customers find practical solutions to their needs as well.
Jeff at Kalona Organic Fertilizer

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Hey, a hearty welcome from another alfalfa user in the NC mountains, Jeff!

Oostburg, WI(Zone 5b)

Welcome to Dave's, Jeff! I love it here and I'm sure you will too. I live up in the NW corner, just 5 miles from SD. DH hauled sheep for quite a few years - usually koshers and fats to market in Chicago but feeders a few times! Then he decided his knees were too sore to keep squatting and he refused to crawl on those decks (for those not familiar with livestock trailers or 'pots', most sheep pots are 4 decks high, hold 350-400 market sheep; had 600 feeders on once!) so we bought a flatbed. Easier on the body, as long as you don't slide off the deck in a snowstorm! Did that too!

We really enjoyed our time in Kalona and have always planned to spend some time there again but so far have only driven through. We will, some day - that shop with all the patterns, sewing, stitching, quilting, etc. is the one I needed to spend days in... :)

Yukon, OK(Zone 7b)

April...thanks for the heads-up! And kalonaorganic.... WELCOME to DG!!! You're gonna love this place!

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