apple trees

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8a)

This may sound real stupid but I was told the only stupid question is the one not asked. I have a fuji apple tree that I bought almost 2 years ago as a bare root tree. Now my question is when can I expect it to bloom for it's first apples. It is about 7 feet tall.

Tonasket, WA(Zone 5a)

Tombstonejan, In this area where quite a few commercial orchards grow Fugis, it takes, with good care, 4 to 5 years for your first crop. If you are really lucky you may get a few apples next year. They are a fairly late ripening apple, and keep well . Donna

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8a)

Boy, was I misinformed from the seller. They said I would probably get apples the following year but that I should pick them to give more strength to the tree. Never saw any. I know that apple trees are a fall crop but I just wasn't to sure on the fugi ones.

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