Help with Cotoneaster dammeri (Coral Beauty)

Mount Pleasant, MI(Zone 5b)

Hi all.. Relatively new to the forums, but I have greatly appreciated all the information thus far.

I recently planted a nice healthy cotoneaster in the front lawn, near the house, in full sun.. My soil is a sandy loam. The shrub is just not looking as healthy as it could, and I would love any help you all could give me.

Thanks in advance.

Mount Pleasant, MI(Zone 5b)

well.. I soaked the little guy this weekend with gallons and gallons of water.. heh.. It looks marginally better. I think the moles have pulled away the soil around it, so I repacked the base of the plant too... Still could use any help if anyone has experienced anything like this.


Santiago, Chile(Zone 4b)

My experience with Cotoneaster dammeri, has taught me that they dislike root disturbance, maybe if you help it by cutting some branches to make it easier for the roots to go on.
They make it nicely in sandy soils in fullsun, they do travel alot rooting as they go on ,they make a nice hanging plant, it also atracts a lot of bees.

Mount Pleasant, MI(Zone 5b)

Thanks, Azulillo. I went out this evening and see lots of dead and dieing brown leaves, but lots of new green foliage on the ends.. I am hoping it was a combination of the mole and not enough water, and she will come back to full strength soon.. I may try pruning back the stragglers this weekend, depending on the overall health of the plant.

Thanks again,


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