orchid blooming

Woodville, TX(Zone 8a)

Slow Barefoot Mailman 'Laina'
Can't believe it is blooming! I have 4 orchids that I "inherited" about 4 years ago and don't know a thing about taking care of them. I have repotted them once in orchid mix, water them once a week and just hope for a bloom. Well, at least once a year they grant my wish. The blooms just last and last. This one has been blooming about 2 weeks now. Jenny

Thumbnail by sh1025
DC metro, VA(Zone 7b)

Congrats! Catts are the best. Take neglect and a bit of abuse too. Lovely colors!

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil(Zone 11)

Oh, fantastic!

The Heart of Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

Beautiful! Maybe mine will pay attention and follow suit someday..lol

Woodville, TX(Zone 8a)

MsC just don't baby them I guess. Maybe you give them too much attention. My poor orchids just get a weekly watering like the rest of my plants. Every once in awhile I remember to put a pinch of the bromeliad/orchid fertilizer in the water. Jenny

The Heart of Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

Thanks for the tip Jenny!
If it any of them ever bloom I will post a big pic with a smile! LoL

Livermore, CA(Zone 9a)

I am really new to orchids, but now have about 10 of them. When I bought my greenhouse through a orchid nursery this Spring, they gave me a $400. gift cert. to purchase orchids through them. I have been getting one every month, because I don't know a thing about growing them. It sounds like the Catts might be the way to go if they don't take alot of special care.


Brookeville, MD(Zone 7a)

Sh- Soooo lucky! That is a beatiful orchid!

Jerodsmom- Are you KIDDING? A $400.00 gift certificate EVERY month?

Woodville, TX(Zone 8a)

The blooms just last and last on orchids! They have been beautiful for weeks now.

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