We picked our first tomatoes and eggplant yesterday

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

These were the tomato plants that Powell Gardens discarded back in April. When I saw them I knew it was suppose to frost that night so I brought them home. They were labeled Jumbo and were nearly 3' tall already. I put 2 or 3 of them in a large deep pot filled with really good soil mix and made a trellis of broom handles and old 'frigerator/freezer shelves. Tied them up with old shoe laces. Now you can hardly see the trellis for the plant material. We have to water at least twice daily giving a gallon each time.

The eggplant are Icabans growing in one of the washer tubs filled with a good rich soil mix. By soil I mean a mix of the black gumbo we have here, cleanings from the bird house from a couple years ago which has by now become dirt itself, and spent potting soil from Powell Gardens. I had to cap off and refill a lot of the tubs last fall to get the soil level back up to nearly tub full.

The fruits of our own labor taste so much better than storebought.

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