Petunia question

Ashton, IL(Zone 5a)

This year I planted some petunias I grew from seed - one of those 10cent packets from Walmart - for "old fashioned vining petunias". Well they are now 4 feet tall, very fragrant. I'm thinking I should have put them in a basket to trail, rather than in the ground to sprawl. Anyone else growing these?

Lamar, AR(Zone 7a)

No but I thought about it.

have a pic?

Ashton, IL(Zone 5a)

The birdcage trellis is about 3 ft tall, there's supposed to be clematis twining around it with the sprawling petunias shading the roots. The plants had other ideas...

Thumbnail by mominem
Ashton, IL(Zone 5a)

The heat has them drooping a bit. They are actually planted all around the base of the birdcage.

Thumbnail by mominem
Lamar, AR(Zone 7a)

I can see how growing them in the container might have more impact.

They would probably get lost in my garden

Ashton, IL(Zone 5a)

Until it rained they were all standing straight was bizzare to see these giant tall petunias. I'm not sure I want to grow them again because the blooms all seem to be at the tips. In a hanging basket that might look odd. However the colors are nice and they are soooo fragrant. The corner of the yard with the nicotiana, petunias, and valerian smells very good. It just doesn't *look* very good.

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