
Crossville, TN(Zone 7a)

I got home yesterday carrying about six Baldcypress seedlings! I also got a few limbs to start propagation.

Found them at my sisters place around a cow pond,LOL. You should have seen me hopping around trying to avoid cow patties! It was well worth it though!

I'm planning on doing a swamp planting in a large ovalish dish. ( I'm in Florida- I MUST have a swamp Bonsai!!) LOL

I gotta bum a dish off my boss, (hehehe). They cost so much!
I also got a (seed pod/cone?) off the big trees.

To get the knees I have to plant the trees in water yes? Oh man this is exciting!
I brought some to my boss and she was very happy!
They have been looking to get some Baldcypress for a while.

They are just... they are beautiful and haunting trees. Likes them more than willows!

When I get back out there (to the pond) I'm getting more cuttings as well as a sapling (thats gonna be hard!)
That pond is just perfect for a gator to be lurking in,lol.

Sorry for the erratic post! lol

Question- Can I chop the top off of a knee and root it?
The cattle are killing these trees! I wanna save as many as I can. :-)

Kentwood, LA(Zone 8b)

How do you go about rooting a limb from a bald cyprus?

Crossville, TN(Zone 7a)

Stick it in water or in damp dirt in the shade. Or in willow tea water. :)

Kentwood, LA(Zone 8b)

Thanks, I am going to try it,

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