rabbits maybe?

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

something ate my spider worts and my pholox to little nubs. looks like they were cut right off. and just ate every bit of my beacj morning glory. nothing left of it above the ground at all.

i have seen rabbits in my back yard . was wondering what i might do to keep them out the flowers?

have heard of animal replel for cats and dogs does it work for rabbits too??

Dublin, OH(Zone 5a)

I know your pain.

I use a product called "Rabbit Scat".

That seems to work as long as I am diligent in reapplying after rain. I got it at a local nursery for $9.99. I want like to develop a reputation among the rabbit community as the lady who serves nasty food.

I had tried sprinkling hot pepper, burying cat/dog hair, used cat litter, dog poop; hanging aluminum pie tin and shiny long thing. None of them works. Blood meal, on the other hand, works but then blood meal is a fertilizer. Up to a point, I started to wonder, how much fertilizer my plants could take!

Marshfield, MA(Zone 6b)

Would this work for other pests too? Something ate my crocuses (hundreds of them in one night) this spring, every flower which had just opened looked like it had been cut off off at the base and was gone! Haven't seen rabbits in a couple of years but have lots of voles, chipmunks and squirrels not to mention deer......

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