Red Rasberry

Julian, WV

I have several small red rasberry plants. Would like to trade for Zebra Grass or if you are interested and just want to send postage that will work also. Since I have only several plants it would have to be first come first serve. :-)

Liberty, IN

Would love some. I only have blue ficus grass, but have other stuff if interested. Thanks Tonia

Port Huron, MI(Zone 5b)

Thank you Gayl..they traveled very well and their spot awaits them

Julian, WV

Sandy glad they got to you alright. Always afraid when I send something that they might become damaged.

Tonia blue ficus grass would be great. Had forgotten about that one :-) Send me your address and I will get them out to you and will send you mine.


Liberty, IN

Gayl, you got mail.

Julian, WV

Tonia got your e-mail. Will get the plants in the mail and on their way to you tomorrow.

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