What to do???

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8a)

I have this great schiffilara(sp?) bonsai but I don't know how or where I should trim it. I watched karate kid where he was trimming the bonsai's but I just don't know where to start. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Thumbnail by Gourdbeader
San Antonio, TX(Zone 8a)

Here is a pic of the trunk section.

Thumbnail by Gourdbeader
San Antonio, TX(Zone 8a)

I applogise for the pics as I have a cheap camera that doesn't do the plant justice. It's actually a very pretty plant but I know that it needs to be manicured.

Crossville, TN(Zone 7a)

Okay- I;'m having trouble with the graniness, but I think I might be able to help.
First I'd get rid of the stones in your pot. They distract from the tree. If you really want a stone- try picking one that isnt so bright and bold.

Here's a digitally altered version of your tree. Don't mind the talentless artwork,LOL.
Basically all I think you need to do is clean the outline up a bit.

Thumbnail by crimsontsavo
Columbus, OH(Zone 5b)

Yes, you have a schefflera -- not a Ficus benjamina. F. benjamina is a "Weeping Fig." Schefflera is sometimes referred to as "Umbrella Plant."

Keep evenly moist soil but not sopping, and the plant loves humidity. It is tropical, so it will need to be protected from cold. Below 40 degrees, you should bring it in if you have it outside.

You can trim as crimsontsavo has suggested to make a nice umbrella-shaped canopy. Simply trim any long shoots that grow outside of that silhouette, usually just the tips. Any major branches you remove can be rooted to make a new plant.

I'm going to attach a picture of a schefflera bonsai that was exhibited at the Dawes Arboretum Annual Bonsai Show, Newark, Ohio, this year. It should give you an idea of a good style or shape for your tree.

Thumbnail by beechoak
Manhattan Beach, CA(Zone 11)

So, Jan, how's your tree?

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8a)

Yes, Beechoak, that is exactly how I want mine to look. I hope you don't mind but I took a copy of this pic so I can you it for a pattern. Thanks

Manhattan Beach, CA(Zone 11)

You can't make a swan out of a duck. Listen to crimsontsavo, a voice of experience!

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8a)

Hey, Ulrich, are you saying my tree is a duck???
LOL. Really it's coming right along and in time I hope that it will look like the one above.

Manhattan Beach, CA(Zone 11)

It has potential. Besides, I like ducks.
"Be kind to your webfooted friends, for a duck may be somebody's mother. . . "

Edited for the young'uns to add that that is sung to the melody of 'Stars and Stripes forever'.

This message was edited Aug 28, 2004 5:38 PM

Crossville, TN(Zone 7a)

Emmm............................. A little Orange Sauce..... some veggies...... Yummy. *drools*. Buhahhaha.
How's the tree doing now?

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