Passiflora book

Covington, LA(Zone 8b)

I have been waiting for this book to come out in English. Looks like it's finally gonna happen!

Timber Press is a Portland, Oregon, publisher of books about gardening, horticulture, botany, natural history, and the Pacific Northwest.
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Passionflowers of the World
By Torsten Ulmer and John M. MacDougal
Drawings by Bettina Ulmer

Since they were first described in Europe in the 16th century, passionflowers have held a special fascination among plant collectors for their bold, beautiful, complicated blossoms and delectable passionfruits. Most are perennial climbers, but some are trees, shrubs, herbaceous plants, or even annuals, and all lend a dramatic, tropical flavor to any situation. Since they have such a broad range of cultivation requirements, passionflowers can be grown by just about anyone, and cold-hardy species can be grown outdoors year-round. This authoritative, comprehensive volume describes 207 Passiflora species and 31 hybrids. A chapter is devoted to the remarkable coevolution of passionflowers with Heliconius butterflies, which many passionflower enthusiasts now raise alongside flowering vines in the greenhouse. As lushly illustrated as it is informative, Passiflora: Passionflowers of the World reveals the immense variation found among members of this extraordinary genus.

This book has not yet been published. It will be available on September 15, 2004.

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View larger jacket image Format:

432 pp.*

Book dimensions:
7.38 x 10.25 in*
(255 x 180 mm)*

approximately 344 color photos, 253 line drawings*

©2004 Timber Press


*These specifications have not been finalized and are subject to change.
An excerpt from this book:
The flowers, appearing in pairs midway along the tendrils, reach a dimeter of 6-8 cm. The stigmas are truly sensational and may well be the largest within the whole genus. Even without flowers, Passiflora cirrhiflora can be distinguished from other species at first sight. Its attractive leaves ar 5- to 9-foliate. Besides that, the base of the individual leaflets shows 2 or rarely 3 teeth that end in a filiform awn. The function of these conspicuous projections is a complete mystery.
About Torsten Ulmer
Torsten Ulmer studied botany at the University of Essen, Germany, focusing on the systematics of Passiflora. He has examined and classified herbarium specimens for botanists from around world and has set up a private collection of about 200 species and hybrids of Passiflora. This collection eventually developed into a specialty nursery that Torsten now runs with his wife, Bettina ...

Read more about Torsten Ulmer

About John MacDougal
John M. MacDougal received his doctorate degree in botany from Duke University, specializing in the taxonomy of passionflowers. He recently retired as conservatory manager at the Missouri Botanical Garden to pursue full-time studies of Passiflora. He is a founding member of the Passiflora Society International, and with more than 45 publications on passionflowers, he is considered an expert on the family, especially in Mexico and Central America.

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