taking cutting from passionflowers

fort erie, ON(Zone 6a)

how do I do it ? thanks I have no clue I live in zone 6 and would love to have it inside in the winter ,thanks shawn

Lima, OH(Zone 5a)

Will tell you what I do, although, I have not had any luck last fall and now this spring, Think mites might have moved in and weakened the plant and cuttings, have lost my oldtime favorite, Incense, 4-5 yrs. old.

I start cuttings in wet perlite in jar/plastic bag, under lights. Take all the bottom leaves off, also tendrils, leave maybe 3-5 lvs.

Have also started Vitifolia and some others in jar of water, under lights, plastic bag.

fort erie, ON(Zone 6a)

thanks will root hormone work ?

Lima, OH(Zone 5a)

Yes, I dip in powder. Let me know how it's going. I will be trying some also. Indigo Dreams, Lady Margaret, Vitifolia.
When rooted, will trade for Incense.

Olathe, KS(Zone 6a)

Tropicman, Clare and myself recently finished up a huge thread on this exact topic. We all rooted several cuttings of several Passiflora's. I'm not sure how to use the thread search on this site but if you looked around using my name and/or Clare/Tropicman, you'll find more info than you can absorb imo. I think the thread I started was named "Rooting Passiflora's 2.0". There was another that they started before I came along that was named something like "expiramenting with cuttings" or the like. If I find them 1st, I'll post it here for you.

Lima, OH(Zone 5a)

I read it all the way through, Jeff. It was a long one!
If you ever want to get rid of Coccinea, and other red P. Flwrs. before they die, please email me for a trade. I am doing fine with Vitifolia and Lady Margaret. PLMK what you need.


Lima, OH(Zone 5a)

Bump for Jeff??

Covington, LA(Zone 8b)

Dear ZT, If you dig your vine from the ground, I think you will see a surprisingly small rootball. This is what I do. I overwinter them in the greenhouse in a 10" plastic pot. In spring, you will have a well started plant ready to bloom.

Olathe, KS(Zone 6a)

I was trying to direct ziekertail to that rooting thread. We must have gotten our wires crossed somehow, I'm running on very little rest and trying to recover from a hardcore roadtrip with the family. I'm by no means ready to throw in the towel with these red Passi's, I know I can't be too far off. I'm just impatient plus we've been traveling too much over the last few weeks so I haven't been able to watch them as closely as needed. They are no where near DEAD, you must have me confused with someone else. I'm never satisfied until I have everyone blooming. They just don't look as healthy as all of my others, they are all doing fine. It's taken me forever to finally build this Passiflora collection up and I refuse to give up, I'm just tired and confused as to why these dudes behave as they are now. WHEN I DO get them dialed in and looking great, I'll take cuttings for you if need be. I've had great luck cloning most every plant I've ever tried to root. I'm not sure where you got the idea I was killing these plants, I might of complained about the way they are growing compared to the others. They all look much better than they did when I recieved them and 2 were so far gone, I almost got them for free via the seller. If I'm making cuttings for myself at that time, I'll root them for you before sending. I don't like mailing unrooted plants anyways. I'm also willing to trade cuttings if you still need P. Incense. I know I have 1 Incense, maybe 2 different ones. I'm having a hard time keeping track of them all now that they are spread all over the place. All of my other Passion Flower's are doing great except they aren't all blooming just yet. I'm in the middle of compiling a photo collection and list of all my Passi's. JLMK what your looking for and what all you have as I'm ALWAYS LOOKING for new one's I don't have yet. I'll get my list ready ASAP as pictures of blooms may not be ready for a while longer. If you happen to have something I've been looking for, I may be able to clone these sooner. My wife may kill me for setting up cloning my cloning gear. We had trays with humidity domes on heat mats under lights since around Jan. or Feb.. It seems like they've only been put up for a month or 2 tops now. We have so little room in this house, I was literally sleeping RIGHT NEXT to my cloning trays w/ lights since the 1st. of the year. My poor wife was so patient with me and my plants being in the bedroom all that time. It wasn't a problem with her until I had all the cuttings she wanted finished, after that it was nothing but a mess driving her insane.LOL
I'll keep you posted and will be watching this thread. You can always email me if you want to share lists of what you have and want. My "want/wish" list just seems to grow everytime I get 1 plant off of it. This winter is going to require a greenhouse I think as I've expanded my inventory of tropicals that must be brought indoors over winter. Last year we had a room in the basement lighted with a 1000 watt grow light and it was crammed full. I've aquired so many more "must have" plant's that will need to be sheltered over winter, I don't think they could fit indoor's even if I kept them all in clone form. LOL I just need to catch up on sleep and plant feeding, then everything will be awesome looking.
I need sleep so I'll quit rambling on and on. I tend to get very wordy when posting and today was no different.
Sorry all for another marathon post I'm famous for.

Lima, OH(Zone 5a)

Enjoy your ramblings Jeff. Thanks for reply.

I have lost so many Coccinea, I'm about ready to give up on her. Vitifolia looks almost the same and grows MUCH better for me.

I am forever starting new cuttings of something, so still have 2 rooms with florescent lights, brug seeds, jars of water/cuttings, plus some under jars outside in the ground.

Fixed a basement GH room last winter, Halide/florescent/fan.

Navarre (NW FL), FL(Zone 8b)

Your house sounds neat. Wish I could see it. I'm still trying to sell the idea of a plant propogation room. I think I might get my way. We'll see.

Lima, OH(Zone 5a)

Lottsa luck! Hope you get it. Plants are growing and blooming all winter in the basement GH, love it.

Olathe, KS(Zone 6a)

LOL your house sounds much like ours. We usually have a 430watt son agro in the front livingroom window to enjoy blooms all winter. It looks like the sun is indoors shining out in the winter. LOL The things we do for our plants! LOL

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