ID please...

CREZIERES, France(Zone 8a)

This is a picture of an iris that has bloomed for the first time and was raised from a pack of mixed iris seeds.

The leaf colour is too yellow, because I needed to add yellow to the image to get the flower colour accurate... (my cheap camera...).

Height is about 2ft and the blooms are very short lived.

Any assistance much appreciated...

Thumbnail by cinemike
Deer River, MN(Zone 3b)

That's Iris pseudacorus, commonly known here as Yellow Flag. It's a real garden thug and virtually impossible to extricate from the soil once it gets a solid hold. In a number of states here in the US, it is listed as a noxious weed and has caused considerable destruction of native vegetation in natural wetland habitats. If you choose to grow it, keep it well away from any natural waterways or wetland areas. I also suggest you grow it away from any other plants you cherish and in a spot where you intend to keep it permanently. Or grow it in large pots.


Winnipeg, MB(Zone 2b)

Hey Laurie,

Good to see you here. How about going to Canadian trading to see if you can ID any of Echoes iris? I can't ID any of them?

Our Northern Lights Regional Iris Society is finally off the ground - Yippee. How are things with your iris? TBs up here are just starting. Total bliss.
Ginny aka Inanda

Deer River, MN(Zone 3b)

Hi Ginny,

Congratulations on your iris club! I sure wish there was one within 200 miles of my farm.

I'm in mid-TB bloom now and enjoying every second. My last MDB just closed two days ago! I have quite a bit more bloom this year than I expected, since I dug and divided nearly everything last year. MDBs and SDBs did particularly well. Of course, the vast majority of the TBs won't bloom this year, but some of the ones that are blooming are cultivars I haven't seen before or ones that haven't bloomed here for years. Six more were open this morning when I checked the beds. My digicams are getting a real workout this year!

Winter survival this year was MUCH improved over the last two frigid, virtually snowless winters. We finally had decent snow cover this last winter, and it made a tremendous difference. My losses were negligible. I'd forgotten what it was like NOT to lose 150+ cultivars each year. What a joy!

I don't dare try to identify iris cultivars by photos. Pseudacorus is easy 'cause it's a very distinctive species. Cultivars are almost impossible to ID by photo because there are so many that look so much alike.

I hope your bloom is abundant and long-lasting!


CREZIERES, France(Zone 8a)

Thanks for the info... will keep an eye on it...

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