Heritage River Birch Clump Question?

Northwest, MO(Zone 5a)

I have 2 River Birch Clumps that I planted last year. Each clump was about about 4 - 5 feet tall. Over the winter each of the main trunks died back about 2 feet. I pruned them back to the live section. Now for the question. By doing this have I now stunted their growth potential to reach full height of about 50 feet? Thanks for any advice you can give me on this.

Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

I have no clue as to an answer for your question.....I only know I've given up on clump birch (have managed to kill 4)
I know they HATE being moved and or transplanted in the fall, but rather in the spring (unusual). Didn't find that out till I'd already killed 3.
Good luck with yours

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