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Dallas, TX(Zone 8a)

What's the difference between a brug and a datura. Brugs are the obvious choice of everyone, but I was wondering why everyone favors them. I have both but they are all VERY tiny plants and I haven't been able to start understanding the differences yet.

Are the blooms better on brugs? Are they easier to grow? I read somewhere that daturas are grown as annuals, does anyone esle know if this is correct?

Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Tracey

Harrisville, MI(Zone 5b)

They were termed as the same a few years ago,but there is a difference,Dat blooms go upward,and Brug blooms hang downward,there are many more varieties of Brugs,the blooms do smell better,and you can overwinter them,I have not been able to keep a Dat alive over winter.

Lima, OH(Zone 5a)

The large white bloomed Datura comes back here for me, every year, from the original plant. It is on southside of garage, up close. Do you pull your plant up, while cleaning in the fall?? Try cutting it back to ground and leave root, see if it doesn't come back for you. I do have to start seeds of the dbl/triple yellow and purple..

Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)

I kept two Daturas alive over the winter.... I'll take pictures soon.


Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

Daturas are easier to take care of for me. they can handle the heat better then the brugs can. i love them. i got one to over winter in the green house.

my white ones usually come back on their own but this past summer i moved and so did they will have to see.

i cut mine to the ground and pine straw it a little and leave it alone.

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