Blue bee balm

N. Vernon, IN(Zone 6b)

The bees love it.

Thumbnail by bopjg
Franklin, LA(Zone 9a)



(Zone 4b)

Is it blue stocking? I have loads and love the way it just spreads! Makes me so happy!

N. Vernon, IN(Zone 6b)

It just had blue bee balm on the tag last yr.

(Zone 4b)

probably blue stocking

Westbrook, ME(Zone 5a)

Bee Balm is one of my favorite perennials. I don't think the hummingbirds & moths would ever forgive me if I got rid of it.

Coopersburg, PA(Zone 6b)

i agree sue - i don't understand how folks don't like it. it's sturdy, it's colorful, the deer in my yard leave it alone! and yes - it's a natural hummingbird feeder!

Oostburg, WI(Zone 5b)

Mine is 5 or 6 years old and other than the first year, it usually does poorly. So far this year it's looking better. It is next to a huge globe thistle and I suspect it doesn't get enough water. We've had gobs of rain this spring and I'm going to try to water it extra if the rains stop and see if that is the cure. If not, next spring it's getting the heave-ho - to a different area where it doesn't have to compete with a fast grower! It's red and I got a pink one at RU so I sure hope they both grow great. Any other tips to get this thing to grow better?

Coopersburg, PA(Zone 6b)

the ones i have in full sun do better than the ones i have in partial shade... i don't have to 'extra' water mine [like i have to do with some other plants] even where they're growing in competition with other plants

Oostburg, WI(Zone 5b)

This one's in full sun too. Think I just got a bad plant? 'Failure to thrive?'

Spokane, WA(Zone 5b)

Mine look exactly like that, but never knew it was a "blue stocking" as the blossoms don't look blue to me, but more of a mauve. Mine is getting ready to bloom - I just love the majestic looking crowns!

(Zone 4b)

Yeah its not blue but purple..... the red ones are hugely invasive.... my monarda spreads like a weed and was one of the plants that took out my echinops cause it has a tender root. Geez cant imagine whats wrong with your plant.... maybe the ph?

Spokane, WA(Zone 5b)

I have noticed that sometimes they thrive, sometimes they don't. They can be picky. I have one that is thriving, in the front, and another on the side that is, well, just weird looking. They come from the same seed. I think they are just pick, and kind of like picking out their "own" spots to land.

N. Vernon, IN(Zone 6b)

I have 2 blues the 1 in photo is more purple the other is very pale and it is in with my red they are not the same at all came from 2 different places.

Thumbnail by bopjg
N. Vernon, IN(Zone 6b)


Thumbnail by bopjg
Southlake, TX(Zone 8a)

I have Jacob's Cline and it has gone nuts this year. Looks great in the back of the garden.

Thumbnail by heidibent
Lamar, AR(Zone 7a)

Nice plants ladies!

I purchased a pink variety (so the label says) but I dont know where to put it!

Spokane, WA(Zone 5b)

How tall does it say it's supposed to get, Osteole? I know they like full sun and very well drained soil. Don't put them in a buggy area either. I just gave a baby to my neighbor and it got eaten alive overnight after she planted it. :( I think she put it in to moist of an area. They like it dry and airy, from what I've experienced. You sent me that email, didn't you? The blossoms are popping! Almost pic time! I just hope before Friday, since we're leaving for the weekend.

Lamar, AR(Zone 7a)

yep i was the one who emailed you

I dont have a huge bug problem and all of my gardens drain really well excluding one. can't recall the expected height. I've misplaced the tag.

Prattville, AL(Zone 8a)

Very nice, anybody have extra for trade or postage?

Thx, Carol

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