Another thrift store find...

Birmingham, AL(Zone 8a)

The white stand in this group is actually a totally hideous ashtray, plastic wood looking thing that I picked up last week for small $ at a thrift store. Even the lady at the counter had to ask "what the heck I was going to do with THAT thing." Thank you Lord for white Krylon! And thanks to all who post their ideas on this forum. I feel so inspired!

Thumbnail by delphiniumdiva
Fort Pierce, FL(Zone 10a)

That is just adorable! Painted like that, it would be neat for a plant stand in the house. Clever girl!

P.S. Krylon rocks! I use it on everything. In fact, the Doxies run when I pick up the can, they can't be sure they're not next (LOL)

This message was edited Jun 17, 2004 11:28 AM

Birmingham, AL(Zone 8a)

Thanks Patischell!

Oddly enough pati I have NO houseplants. Nope. Not one. That's because if it ain't on the watering system it doesn't get watered. Not with three kids to homeschool. All this "check soil moisture level frequently" just not for me. If it can't take an every other day dousing from the system, death awaits. I have one sprayer on a cane in the middle of this group and I just place the less water loving ones to the outside edges. Lazy gardening, that's for me. I have heard of garden hoses and want nothing to do with em...

Noblesville, IN(Zone 5a)

Recycle everything that is my motto.

Atascadero, CA(Zone 8a)

I'm withyou, delphiniumdiva..not one in my place either...tried for many years with limited success, between the kids and the cats and the hectic pace...all of mine are outside on the system like yours..and they thrive, since I can't neglect them that way... just give them some fertilizer at regular intervals. Some of my hugh patio plants are those I tossed outside before death ensued....I envy those who can do it though!! ;-)

Birmingham, AL(Zone 8a)

Yeah, I'm not sure if the Rex begonia will make it, since they don't seem to like too much water from what I've read.

Atascadero, CA(Zone 8a)

I have 2 rex begonias on the patio..watered automatically, been doing fine for 2 years, though 1 seems happier than the other. It's pretty hot here, right around 100 or so for most of the summer and a few freezes in the winter, around 28-32 degrees. (Have all the patio plants clustered together up against the house during the winter.) Guess it will be an experiment for you, but it sure looks pretty now!!

Birmingham, AL(Zone 8a)

jcangemi I am so happy to hear it! That's about what we get. I do the same thing with my patio plants - just shove em up against the house and maybe through some wraps around the whole thing if we get into the 20's. How's your humidity is the thing - ours is out of sight. I am worried about mildew etc. with the rexes. Guess I can always replace it with some other foliage plant and keep the look.

Atascadero, CA(Zone 8a)

delphiniumdiva..Having lived in the South at one time, I can truly say we don't have a humidity problem...only when a system moves through, like the last few days....then we all think we're dying...nothing like you have.... I guess you'll really have to watch the water on them.
BTW weren't you the one who posted the 'suitcase' planting?...very clever, had rexes in it thing about it, it'll be a learning experience and you'll know what to do in the future. ;-) janet

Birmingham, AL(Zone 8a)

Yep that was me. I love the way the suitcase worked out - plenty of room for plants, not too deep, and not heavy. I may do some more!

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