Finally!!! My photo album.

Biel, Switzerland(Zone 7a)

I have been wanting to do this for a while,but now that I am finished(for now) here is my photo album!I hope you like it.
In the garden

Wigan, Landcashire, United Kingdom

Enjoyed your photos Gwist, i keep saying i must get a scanner so i can post some photos of my beautiful roses.

Biel, Switzerland(Zone 7a)

Thanks!! I had such a problem scanning at first,but my 16 year-old son showed me how(Yes,true confession time!!).

northeast, IL(Zone 5a)

I love your pictures. I really like seeing photos where you can see some of the gardens, sometimes I get ideas of what to try in my garden. 16 year olds do come in handy sometime. Mine set up my scanner, and can usually solve any problem I am having with the computer!!

Mount Prospect, IL(Zone 5a)

Gwist, Your pictures are just beautiful! What a wonderful garden you must have. Hmmm, I didn't notice any pictures of your Million Bells? You selected such an interesting variety to show. I enjoyed seeing them. Doris

Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

hi there

love the Erythroniums and the Frits.


Biel, Switzerland(Zone 7a)

momcat-Thanks! I also like looking at photos of other gardens..dangerous,though! I always get a new idea for something that I know I just don't have the space for!
Doris-The Million Bells are just starting to look nice now,but I only have one pot of them this year! I will take a photo of them,though,and post it.I love the spring flowers the most,but come summer I will probably change my mind!
Mark-Thanks..funny thing,the Yellow Frit never came up! I guess it wasn't happy next to the Pear tree.Well,try,try again.

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