I was talking with a friend about plants....

Lamar, AR(Zone 7a)

I show her a couple pictures of passionflower. She sees one of Monterey's pics and with my surprise, she tells me its in her yard! Growing "wild" she proclaims!

So she has dug it up and I now have a (hopefully) passion in my yard. I haven't seen the bloom, only observing the leaves and I dont know which type.

Do you think it will bloom this year?

Niceville, FL(Zone 8b)

I bet it will!!! And yes, once you have one in your yard, you will have many. I have belotti, incarnata, incense, and caerulea popping up all over the place.

Citrus Heights, CA(Zone 9b)

Oh! Yea! Well I have Lavender Lady,Blue Horizon,Blue Bouquet,Allspice,Ruby Glow,Vitifolia,Victoria,Coral Seas and bringing up the rear Passiflora alatocarulea. All kidding aside take a picture of the leaves and we can tell you what it is. Remember the blooms only last for about a day. vines make many, many flowers. The older it gets the more and larger are the flowers. Lisa wasn't kidding about wanting and having more. Lisa I put out 4 different seeds yesterday and no beni is coming up! Hey! Maybe your passi is this one! That's Victoria.

This message was edited Jun 16, 2004 10:50 PM

Thumbnail by RichSwanner
Lamar, AR(Zone 7a)

My friend thinks its a purple hue...but she's not sure. My luck it wont be passionflora, but I will welcome most any kind of flowering vine.

Id away!

Thumbnail by Osteole

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