How do they do it??

Tampa, FL(Zone 9b)

I think the spray benzocaine in combination with the freezer would be ideal. Or maybe even the spray in combination with the shovel stab? Just so that they're asleep first.

I'm no Peta peep, I just couldn't slash 'em w/o it.

However, I do understand that if them Cane things had killed one of *my* animals, I'd be less than sympathetic to what the thing might feel.

er, but I'm mostly talking about the Cuban Tree Frogs. (;

It probably also depends on how many you have and how much space you're willing to dedicate for 3-4 days. :D

Orlando, FL(Zone 9b)

Another way to possibly tell Cuban treefrogs from other kinds is how quickly the eggs hatch. The Cuban TF hatches in about one day, whereas I've read that other tadpoles take about a week.

The first time we found frog eggs in my barrel pond, it was pretty cool watching the tadpoles grow. It got old real quickly though when we started getting eggs every time it rained, and the tadpoles starting chewing up my plants. By then we had also done some research and realized that these were not a desirable species.

These creatures are so tenatious that they can live in our sewers! When my youngest son was 2, he found one in the toilet, that could have only come up through the pipes. Gross!

I'm pretty squeemish about handling slimy critters that will jump on you, but I've found that I can catch the frogs at night with a net and put them in my son's screened bug keeper. The bug keeper goes into the refrigerator until morning, then I dump the hibernating frog into a baggie and pop it into the freezer for 3 days.

I wish I could say that my efforts were helping the native frogs, but the whole neighborhood is infested, and more frogs keeps coming, probably from the retention ponds around here. But I'm determined to at least keep them from propagating in my yard!

Tampa, FL(Zone 9b)


We had one in our toilet once too. I've been told that they go down through the pipe on the roof.. venting pipe? and then sometimes when there's a flush they get sucked in through that and end up in the toilet. Probably not a very nice ride. The lady told me I could put screen or something on it and it would prevent it from happening again.

Scared the heck out of us too.

I'm squeamish about jumping things too.. at least the tree frog variety.. a little too slimy looking. I can handle the greenhouse frog all day. :D Even saw one of those hatch. That was cool. :D

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