How do they do it??

Lutz, FL(Zone 9b)

How do they squeeze those big froggie bodies into these windchime tubes??

Thumbnail by Floridian
Ladson, SC(Zone 8b)

That is so neat! I've got some kind of wasp nesting in my chimes. I would much rather have frogs! What a great picture! I see these wasp things draging huge pieces of straw with them and up inside the chimes. I wasn't sure what I was seeing the first time. Looked really strange. LOL

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

Verrry carefully. The question is WHY do they do this? Not the first picture I've seen of them in tubes. This one is amazing - a whole bunch of them together.

San Diego, CA(Zone 10a)

I love your froggies in the chimes pics. Wind chimes make me crazy but I am thinking a frog or two would mute them a bit? Lol! Frogs will go where frogs will go. I alway look for tree froggies when I go to use anything that they can POSSIBLY fit into because sure nuff one will be lurking.

Lutz, FL(Zone 9b)

These windchimes fill up with frogs every time it gets rainy...they're empty when it's hot and dry. I started taking pictures when the frogs first started poking their heads out.
I posted once before here: but the pictures weren't as clear

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

aah told you I saw another pic of frog in chimes

Lake Placid, FL(Zone 9b)

What a great picture!

My mom started with one frog living in a wreath on her front door. She is not as fond of frogs as I am and is quite upset that she now has three large frogs living there. I should try to get a picture; it is really cute to see the little heads and eyes poking through the wreath.

Fountain, FL(Zone 8a)

WAAAAAH....I want frogs in my chimes too!
Ginger *pouting*

Columbus, OH(Zone 6a)

Sound of windchimes with frogs:


Fort Pierce, FL(Zone 10a)

LOL, too funny! I wonder if when the wind blows hard and the chimes chime, do they get headaches from the noise?

Oostburg, WI(Zone 5b)

what a cute picture!

Crestview, FL(Zone 7b)

*LOL* I just love the places we find our little froggies in.... cute pic!

Lutz, FL(Zone 9b)

Tami, please post a picture. I see frogs on our front wreath occasionally but they never sit still!
ceceoh, you have quite a sense of humor...I love it!
I've often wondered how they stand the noise...I only see them after a storm so they must be in there during the windy part of the storms too.
Frogs do show up where you least expect it...I wish these frogs would leave and let the little green frogs flourish again.

High Springs, FL(Zone 8b)

Wow, I would never have expected frogs, of all things, to "hang" around in wind chimes!

Like AKelly, I usually have wasps living in mine. I finally got the nerve to clean them out one day - it was amazing to see the stuff that came out. It was hard as concrete and had to soak for a while. Even after soaking, it took a good bit of chiseling to remove it all. The chimes sure sounded better after that!

Lake Placid, FL(Zone 9b)

I went to my mom's house on Saturday and found six frogs on the wreath! When I got the camera out, a lot of them went deeper in the wreath, so I could not get a picture with a lot of heads and eyes poking out.

Now that I have taken a closer look, I am wondering if they are cuban tree frogs.

Thumbnail by TamiMcNally
Lake Placid, FL(Zone 9b)

Another one

Thumbnail by TamiMcNally
Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Hey, Stacey, glad to see you got better pictures of your musical frogs! Great shot.

Lutz, FL(Zone 9b)

Oh no! I can't see you pictures Tami...does everyone else see them?? One quick, but not definite, way to ID Cuban tree frogs is by the size of their toe pads...Cuban tree frogs are much larger than the natives
I haven't seen the frogs on/in the chimes since this picture was taken...

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

I can't see them, either.

Lake Placid, FL(Zone 9b)

Wow - I wonder what happpened to the pictures! I will try again.

Thumbnail by TamiMcNally
Lake Placid, FL(Zone 9b)

I hope these show up.

Thumbnail by TamiMcNally
Lake Placid, FL(Zone 9b)

Stacey, the toe pads are large, and one of these frogs is about the size of a medium-sized leopard frog.

I read that the cuban tree frog's skin is fused to the head. I guess I have to catch one to positively identify it.

Here is a picture of another "wreath" frog. This is the largest one. It is amazing how much their skin color, pattern, and texture varies.

We have a little garden pond that has hundreds of tadpoles. I hope they are not from the cuban tree frog. I wish I had some pictures for comparison.

Thumbnail by TamiMcNally
Brookeville, MD(Zone 7a)

I love your pic! Did you get it published? I bet you could sell alot of posters!

Lutz, FL(Zone 9b)

Uh oh Tami, they sure look like Cuban Tree Frogs!

Here's the article I put in DG about the frogs, might be where you read about the fused skin:

Our ponds are also full of tadpoles, even the dogs bowls had eggs, 100s of them. I haven't seen any of the little green native frogs for some time so all of these tadpoles are going to be removed...I hate to do it but these frogs are ravenous...they eat birds and bugs and other frogs, basically anything they come across. I have yet to see any Monarch or Sulpher caterpillars this year either...the frogs are certainly suspect!

Fort Pierce, FL(Zone 10a)

I killed my third Cane toad yesterday. The first two were dispatched with the pointy shovel, but this one was buried up in my big Caladium pot. So.........out came the trusty salt box and I salted him down good. I have used salt before, but since the toads hop away, I was never sure if it worked. IT DOES WORK! This one didn't go away and within 5 minutes it was DEAD. It's ugly head was covered with the white slime that killed my big dogs. Of course I probobly killed my Caladium with the salt, but that's a small price to pay for one less Cane toad in the world.
signed: The Toad Hater

Lake Placid, FL(Zone 9b)

Thanks, Stacey. I stumbled across that article a while back. I have been thinking about euthanizing them. I was hoping the snakes would eat them, but I read the snakes do not like the taste of their skin. Then I read the burrowing owl would eat them, but I have not seen any of them around in a long time. I was looking for a way out of killing them myself! :-)

I guess I will start the process at my mom's house because she has six of them hiding in her wreath. I do not like killing things, but if it will help us keep our own species here, I will have to do it.

Lake Placid, FL(Zone 9b)

Does anyone know where I can identify the tadpoles on my property? I have searched the Internet, but did not find anything helpful. If they are cuban tree frog tadpoles, I will killl them, but I just want to be sure.

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

For those who don't want to pick the frogs up, I wondered if spray benzocaine would work. I found this link: Evidently they mix their own and dip 'em in it when they want to anesthetize amphibians in the field. Think spray would work as well for y'all's more sinester applications?

Tampa, FL(Zone 9b)

I have Cuban Tree frogs here too. :/

Ain't he spiffy?

Thumbnail by Scarlete
Tampa, FL(Zone 9b)

And I also have Bullfrogs. :D I

Thumbnail by Scarlete
Tampa, FL(Zone 9b)

second one.. front view.. pics suck cause I never see him during the day. :/

Thumbnail by Scarlete
North Port, FL(Zone 9a)


no, i get tortoises and porcupines and snakes......

i want FROGGIES!!!!!!

great pics Tami...Sarasota, youre not that far away from me

Lutz, FL(Zone 9b)

Good idea Kimberley...the lanacaine we used was messy. It worked though.
Scarlete does your bullfrog sing at night?? We've got something in the pond that plops in noisily when we get close.Haven't managed to sneak up on it yet or out wait for that matter. If you stand still very long the mosquitoes will drain you dry!
Floridagurl46, Welcome to Dave's Garden. If you have water in your yard they will come! LOL
I've only seen one native frog this year :( No idea on tadpole ID but it would be great.
Pati...what's your cane toad count up to? LOL

Tampa, FL(Zone 9b)

I have a link where you can listen to what they sound like Floridian.. mmm, singing? heh, ok, something like that, I'll find it in a second.

Ok, here it is: Just click on "BullFrog". funfun!

And PLOP sounds about right. We turn all the lights on and watch him swim to and fro. Crazy Kritter.

PS: I love that pic you posted, but I confess I liked the one where you could barely see their heads poking out more. (;

Lutz, FL(Zone 9b)

I like the other one too but never can get a really clear picture of them still in the tubes. We've only seen them like this two or three times. I actually took these in almost full dark with the camera above my head while standing on a step stool...hahaha the things we do to get that picture!

Tampa, FL(Zone 9b)

PS: gardenwife, That's what is most recommended. You also have to put them in the freezer for 3 days (I think three days) to make sure he's dead. Otherwise he's just asleep for a while. (so if you bury them, it's just some horrible buried alive scene.. *shivers*

Yesyes, I know frogs in the freezer, but they're evil (cane/cuban toads/frogs).

You know, not that I'm all kissin' frogs and toads and such, just don't like the concept of buried alive. (;

Fort Pierce, FL(Zone 10a)

SCARLETE, a pointy shovel is the BEST way. Cut 'em right in two, no sleepy time, no horrible graveside scene, just sudden, irrevocable DEATH! Why drag it out and risk taking something out of the freezer to thaw for supper only to find a big , ugly toad sitting there. UGGG. I have a post in this thread about toads. I'm probably the most radical toad hater in the group, they killed three of my big dogs.

Floridian, the count is up to 6. I'm breathing a sigh of relief because the infestation is less here than in Miami. Keep your fingers crossed!!!

Mableton, GA(Zone 7b)


no, i get tortoises and porcupines and snakes......"

floridagurl46, you have tortoises and porcupines and snakes in your windchimes??? wow! What big windchimes you must have! jk :)

Tampa, FL(Zone 9b)

patischell, I was speaking more on cuban tree frogs. I have no love for cane toads. (; Fortunately, I've never seen one either.

I can't imagine putting frogs in my freezer either, to be frank... was just offering a less squishy way?

Ewwwwwwww, I don't even want to think about it anymore! LOL

And I have no porcupines. I'm so sad.

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

The freezer's humane...They just get cold, get tired, fall asleep (and turn rock solid). We euthanize sick fish this way.

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