rollie-pollies (is that how you spell it?)

Ottawa, KS

Something is eating my hostas, and I'm starting to think it's those cute little bugs. At first I thought it was slugs, even though I haven't seen any. Putting out slug/snail bait has not changed the amount of damage done to my plants. It actually appears to be getting worse. Does anyone have any suggestions on what I should do?

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

Vine weevles also eat hosta. Dig in the soil for black beetles. sometimes the smail bait doesn't get all the snails/slugs. Try diatomaceous earth or crushed egg shells spread around the hosta.
also 1.5 inch brown bugs eat them, leave holes in the leaves. Try a systemic insecticide.

Pill bugs, rollie pollies usually just eat what the dog left behind, not too many plants as far as I know. (They would be right up there with Dung Beetle as an Ultimate Recycler!)

Good luck finding out what is munching away. Let us know what you find out!


New Paris, OH

Could be slugs and the bait you have been leaving them is just attracting them. Go out at night with a flashlight amnd look. You will most likely find the culprits.

Sow bugs/pill bugs (rolly pollies) eat decaying matter and occassionally seedlings but not mature plants.

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