Very low light plants?

Paris, TX(Zone 8a)

Hello to everyone. As you may have read elsewhere, I'm not only a new subscriber, but I'm also new to the plant world. I've checked out many library books, but I think I'd rather ask all of you...

I have a tall corner computer armior, that I believe begs for a plant on top. The trouble is that I have very low, almost no light in this room. I had a Chinese evergreen up there at first, but it had to be repotted and is too heavy now (for my comfort, at least) to put back up there. It need to be non-toxic to cats. I've never seen them up there, but I'd rather be safe than sorry. I think grape ivy would be pretty, but I don't know if I have enough light.

Any suggestions?

BTW, the Chinese evergreen is on my shaded porch, so my cats are safe.

Celaya, Mexico(Zone 10a)

Mother in Law Tongue (Sanseviera) and Cast iron Plant(Aspidistra elatior) would do fine in very low light conditions and as far as I know both are considered non-toxic.

Paris, TX(Zone 8a)

Thank you so much. I'm off now the take a look at these plants (in the plants database, of course). They are on the non toxic list.


I'm back. The Mother in laws tongue is toxic, but the cast iron plant is a possibility. Thank you so much for your help.

This message was edited Jun 10, 2004 10:05 PM

Celaya, Mexico(Zone 10a)

Sanseviera is listed with very low toxicity and only ingestion of large amounts may cause minor symptoms.

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8a)

Philodendron is perfect fot low light and easy to grow. Not sure if I spelled this correctly.

Garberville, CA(Zone 9a)

You can also try the "Lucky Bamboo" that is popular right now. My boss has one in his office in a dark corner, and it seems to do just fine.

You may also want to look into a Ponytail palm, although if your cats are as curious (or stupid) as mine, they may chew ion the ends.

I keep this one in my bathroom, with only indirect light through a small window.

Thumbnail by ladyrowan
Paris, TX(Zone 8a)

What a pretty plant. My cats are very curious, but like I said, I've never seen them up there. I just wanted to be safe. It would comfort me to know that If they did decide to "explore", they'd be safe.


Canadaigua, NY(Zone 6b)

Philo's are great. They are my favorite HP. They'll grow anywhere, and can be very pretty. Mere

Oviedo, FL(Zone 9b)

ponytail palms have sharp edges on their leaves. I have cut myself (like paper cuts) trying to dust the foliage of these.I don't know if it would hurt a cat trying to lick or chew the foliage, but I would think seriously about having it where a pet might get at it. The one I dust is very large.

Paris, TX(Zone 8a)

My armior goes almost to the cieling, and I wanted something a little less tree-like.

My cats have never jumped up that high, and they don't even seem to want up there. I've grown them their own plant (a grass mixture I bought at Petsmart) and they seem to be content with just that. I'm just being extra careful. I'm still looking.


Piedmont, MO(Zone 6a)

If you can find an English Ivy plant that is spider mite free, it would do well there.

Denham Springs, LA(Zone 9b)

Have you thought about an Ivy? I have one just like the one on this site. I can send you a clip if you'd like. They are very simple to grow... They grow under pretty much alllll conditions. They're very hard to kill. I have several clippings that have rooted in jars of water, but haven't been planted yet. I'm just not sure if it is toxic.

Missie :)

This message was edited Jun 26, 2004 5:40 PM

Paris, TX(Zone 8a)


This is so funny, but yesterday, I was given and ivy just like that one, but I didn't know the name of it. Thank you for your offer,and for the name of it. I was leaving it on the porch, but now that I know what it is, I can look it up and see if its on the toxic list. Thank you again.


Denham Springs, LA(Zone 9b)

That IS funny! Here are some pics of mine! The leaves are kinda droopy right now cause it hasn't been watered in a couple of weeks. I just watered it today... I stay pretty darn busy at work! Alot of overtime! Not to mention, I'm only 5' 0"!!! Hee hee! I depend on my 6'1" husband to water it!!! This is the only plant "I" do not water! Due to how high up it is. It is the ONLY plant I know of that you can truely neglect and get away w/it! My 11 1/2 yr. old daughter planted this for me in Kindergarten and I still have it!!! Kewl, huh? It was ALOT longer last year. I have cut alot off to start new roots for my girl scout troop! I'll show clips of what we did w/those for "Mother's Day" as well. You can do soooooo much w/this type of Ivy! I absolutely LOVE it!!!!!!!!

I hope you enjoy yours!

Missie :)

This message was edited Jun 26, 2004 10:18 PM

Thumbnail by Missie_
Denham Springs, LA(Zone 9b)

more pics of the same Ivy! :)

Thumbnail by Missie_
Denham Springs, LA(Zone 9b)

Just to give you an idea of how long it is, even after I've cut off for 2 girl scout troops! Apx. 25 girls!

Thumbnail by Missie_
Denham Springs, LA(Zone 9b)


Thumbnail by Missie_
Denham Springs, LA(Zone 9b)

The whole picture!

Thumbnail by Missie_
Denham Springs, LA(Zone 9b)

Here are some other really neat things you can do w/the clippings! This is petty much what we did w/the girl scouts! They had fun doing it, and it is soooooo easy to keep up!!!!

Thumbnail by Missie_
Denham Springs, LA(Zone 9b)

They just set in water... You do not have to water it...

Thumbnail by Missie_
Denham Springs, LA(Zone 9b)

Isn't it kewl?

Thumbnail by Missie_
Baytown, TX(Zone 9b)

I just looked up some poisonous plants of texas and the gulf coast brochure I have. I never knew Philodendrons were poisonous. Not that I would eat it. So many plants are. I like my closet plant. I don't know its real name.

Baytown, TX(Zone 9b)

Very pretty missie_. What is the greenery in the girl scouts bowl? Does it stay green? I love it.

Paris, TX(Zone 8a)

That is a beautiful ivy. Mine is not mature enough yet to trail it along the way you have. I hope I'm able to keep mine as pretty as yours is.


Denham Springs, LA(Zone 9b)

Thank you JDEE. I feed it from time to time to help it along. Good luck w/yours!
ilovejesus99 - It is a clipping from my Ivy that has rooted in the water. It stays VERY green. All I do is clean the bowl out every couple of weeks w/fresh water! Here are a few more clips of a different type of plant that I have rooted. I'm not sure what it is. Maybe someone can tell me. Thank you! :)


Thumbnail by Missie_
Denham Springs, LA(Zone 9b)

Here's another of one that we did with Girlscouts. I'm not sure what type of plant this is either... Any ideas?

Thumbnail by Missie_
Baytown, TX(Zone 9b)

The next to the last one is Family: Araceae
Genus: Dieffenbachia (def-en-BAH-kee-ah) (Info)
Species: spp. also known as dumb cane.
Is that blue water? I did not know these would live in water.

Missie_ I mean in the water. It looks like pieces of some kind of pine down where the roots are.

Denham Springs, LA(Zone 9b)

Those are cobalt blue/clear glass rocks. Those are the roots! I just caught them at a bad angle. It does look kinda funny. I pulled it out and trimmed the roots b/c they were getting too long! I have found LOTS of different plants that will root in water! I love putting them all over my house! Here's some more!!! Thank you for the name!!!

Thumbnail by Missie_
Denham Springs, LA(Zone 9b)

I believe this is a "Cane Bagonia"? Not sure of the exact kind.

Thumbnail by Missie_
Denham Springs, LA(Zone 9b)

Here's one in the background. I believe this is some kind of Ivy? Do you know?

Thumbnail by Missie_
Baytown, TX(Zone 9b)

not sure I thought it might be nepthytis. But solid green is not in plant database. Not sure if it has solid green species.

Oklahoma City, OK

Hi! Do what I do with my low light areas and rotate a couple of plants out every couple of weeks. You could even have a cactus there as long as you put it back in a window to get some light after it's served it's time on your armoire.

Paris, TX(Zone 8a)

Thank you. I just might try that.

San Diego, CA(Zone 10a)

Nephytis it is. Both my regular and variegated throw green sports.

Denham Springs, LA(Zone 9b)

Thank you Frogrus! :) :) :)

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