something's not right here

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

I got this tradscantia blushing bride from very reasonable priced plants, I was thrilled to find this for only 2.50 don't quote me I think that was the price. It's grown out beautifully, it was just a tiny stick when I got it. and it was broke off to the root. They sent me another one, and was real nice and decent about it. Like I said it's grown out beautifully, but there are no blushing bride markings on it. Have you guys seen the blushing bride, it's beautiful, varigated pink leaves. When it first came to me it had those varigated pink leaves on the piece that was broken off, but now look at it. solid green. Does anybodyknow if it only gets those leaves a certain time of the year. Or is mine in too much sun or shade? I'd love to have those leaves again.


Thumbnail by kathy_ann
Morris, IL(Zone 5b)

I hate to say it, but the photo looks like a toadlily. I think you were sent the wrong thing. Check with the place you got it from.


Brookeville, MD(Zone 7a)

Um.... the site was to a doll adoption site.

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

I'm sorry, it's not .com And when I first got it , it did look like the blushing bride, varigated leaves and all, but it was broke off, I think I will contact the site and ask them about it. if It only gets those leaves a certain time of year.



Lenexa, KS(Zone 6a)

Kathy - you might email henry10 looks like he has this plant from his posting in the PDB entry. I've got several Tradescantia varieties but not this one and I've never seen one with this type of leaf. Very interesting plant!

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

I tried to email newborn nursery, the email came back to me. I will try to email henry and ask him about his blushing bride. thanks langbr


Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

Langbr, I typed in henry10 to find his page to email him, but it said there was no name listed in gardenweb. ? got any ideas/

Lenexa, KS(Zone 6a)

Sorry it's Henryr10 (didn't notice the 'r' before the 10)

edited to add:

You could also probably post a comment/question to his photo of the plant - he's probably got it as a "watched" thread.

This message was edited Jun 12, 2004 12:27 PM

This message was edited Jun 12, 2004 12:28 PM

Mableton, GA(Zone 7b)

sure looks like a toadlily to me too...

Lenexa, KS(Zone 6a)

Now y'all got my curiousity up as I wouldn't know a Toad Lily if one smacked me in the nose! I looked at the PDB and it is remarkable how similar the leaves are on the Tradescantia 'Blushing Bride' and Toad Lily. The only obvious difference in the foliage is the variagation or "blush" that Karrie has been complaining is missing. But she did say it was there when she got the plant. I will say that this variety of Tradescantia is VERY different than all others I've seen as most have strap-like, grassy looking foliage.

What a mystery....Karrie do you have a pic of it when you first got it?? Did you ever get ahold of the nursery?

San Diego, CA(Zone 10a)

Lol! Most of my tradescantia are broad leafed "wandering jew" types. I just got my first grassy one. I do not have the plant in question but with other variegated plants, the color comes and goes. I have one tradescantia that throws many lavender leaves but does not do it with predictable regularity. It stays green in full sun. Perhaps yours gets too much sun and photosynthesis has run amok.

The plant in your photo definately looks like tradescantia.

Here is hairy. He pinks up in the sun.

Thumbnail by frogsrus
Hot Springs, AR(Zone 7b)


I have the Tradscantia blushing bride growing in my flower beds. One of the main problems is that is will send out all green runners that are identical to your plant. I pull them up and throw them away. When a variegated plant starts to revert (they all will do this at one point) then you MUST remove the non variegated sport as soon as you see it or since it grows much faster than the variegated sport it will eventually take over your slow growing variegated sport and your plant will be green once more. My guess is that your plant was variegated with a tiny non variegated sport growing right below the break line. When your variegated piece broke off (could have rooted this peice in one day) then that allowed the green sport to take off. Take a look at the stem color beneth the joints that have the green sport attached to it. See if you can find any variegation at all. If you do I would cut all the green shoots and stem (be prepared to have nothing but a stump sticking out of the ground) off to hopefully encourage a variegated sport to shoot up from the demarcation line or even from the roots.

Good Luck

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

Frogsrus, my tradscantia, is in mostly sun, I thought this might be a factor in it's green, Flowerjunkie, thanks so much for the advice & help, I took some snapshots close up, some of the stems have purple varigation and what looks like stripes, there's one leave that has a spot in it, that's close to what the varigation is suppose to look like, and look at that tiny new leaves coming out on the one, purple undersides , that's kind of what it's suppose to be like, but pink spots also, I am willing to cut this back, it seems to grow like a weed, thinking I'm gonna transplant it as well into the shade to see if that helps.


Thumbnail by kathy_ann
Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

well, darn, for some reason it's only letting me post that one picture. I'm not sure what the problem is

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

That's the strangest thing, I got the second picture posted, clicked on preview, and then I was suppose to be able to click on send, and there wasn't a send button just another preview button, go figure


Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

let's try again

Thumbnail by kathy_ann
Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

well, that was strange, it went though this time, I guess I shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth ha!

Thumbnail by kathy_ann
East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

I just found this thread. When I bought My T. blushing beauty, I was told that it would loose pink and white blotches when it gets hot. I bought mine in March and it had a lot of markings. Now as summer approaches it is loosing marks. I will report in the fall whether markings come back. It is a lovely plant, vigorous, but I don't think as vigorous as its purple cousin, wandering jew.

It is a great plant to put in hanging basket w/ pale pink and white petunias. well, probably anything that's pink and white. For some reason it really accentuates the markings on the T. blushing bride.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Hi Gang!
Henryr10 or Ric here late again I see! lol

By now you know it's T. 'Blushing Bride' for sure.

I sent out cuttings to a few areas and have had various responses.
It didn't make it thru the Winter in Pontiac, MI or north of Columbus, OH so the Zone rating may need lowered (or raised or made warmer anyway) but this was the worst Spring we've had in at least 30 years.

I had my outdoor and indoor plants come thru fine.

'BB' is VERY sensitive to light levels and I'm not sure on the heat factor.
The plant I saw grown further north held color all Summer.
Mine greened out by late July.
BUT I think this was the lighting not the heat.
I moved it into the Toadlily beds, which are shadier than where I had been growing it, and it colored back up nicely.

Currently it's getting about 1 1/2 hours of morning and 1 hour of late evening sun. The rest of the day dappled sun at best.
The colors and structure are picture perfect.

Here's is a shot from Sunday.
BB is bottom right.
I'll get some better shots posted this weekend.


If any of you run into my shots or Zone ratings again and have any questions please don't hesitate to email me.
I have a couple of hundred shots and over 350 ratings up.
Because there are so many Forums to which they apply I often miss threads.
I love to help if I can.
Just let me know.

Thumbnail by henryr10

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