organic insect spray

Humansville, MO(Zone 6a)

I can't find the one that was posted here I know horse shoe had one version and i think Misty was the one that had the first post It was alcohol soap and something Had it marked and copied but can't find it Of corse i couldn't find my head if it wasn't atached

Long Beach, CA(Zone 10b)

I have been looking for this too but can't find it again! Was it posted in another forum maybe?

PNW, WA(Zone 8a)

Could this be it? I had it in my running word file of things I'm going to keep. I beleive that the name at the bottom (coco) belongs with this post. If not I appologize to whom ever the original poster was. I used this on my dahlias the other day to kill those nasty little aphids and it worked great.


Do not forget to alternately foliar spray ur plant with H2O2 and alcohol with some palmolive soap to avoid insect bugs infestation. i better post formula just in case

using bottle sprayer:
2 tbsp. H2O2 or alcohol
1 tbsp Palmolive soap [is wetter than water which is why everything u wash in it is squeaky clean]
1 tbsp MG 15/30/15
fill the rest of the bottle with water. spray on the plant.

for foliar feeding:
1 c H2O2 or alcohol
1/4 c Palmolive soap
1/4 c MG 15/30/15*

* using the MG will be ur indicator on the foliar feeding bootle that the concoction has ran out. so refill again if need be. since u are spraying the bugs to go away, why not feed the leaves too LOL! several jobs incorporated into one.

i noticed last year, after religiously using the above formula, i did not have any bug problems when i brought some of the plants in for the winter. NO whiteflies, no aphids, no spider mites! i spray early in the morning or late in the afternoon. i have no problem spraying in the after noon since it is always windy in the Upper Desert, plants have chance to dry up after spraying or watering.

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

it should work great cuz that is part of my experiment that i have perfected for the past 3 yrs. i have been using alcohol and hydrogen peroxide all these time.

check the brug forum, see the thread of "Alfalfa really works", u might learn a thing or two ;).

Long Beach, CA(Zone 10b)

Do you have to use MG? I don't, as a general rule, but am always, always open to learning!! : )

Thanks! That is a great idea to have a running word doc! My bookmarks are a DG disaster! I just wish that there would be a super easy way to add a DG cookie so that we could save our favorite posts on our member pages. Everytime we make Norma's cactus mix here, I have to search my computer forever!!

*sigh* I can remember how to make chocolate pie but not cactus mix....LOL!

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

Daisy... not necessarily. u can use food coloring. the only reason why i recommended to use MG as an indicator to know the concoction need to be reflenished in foliar spraying. other people use MG ... since they would be spraying for bugs, why not foliar feed at the same time? as the saying goes 'kill 2 birds with 1 stone' LOL! u save ur energy and water too ;).

try to create folders on folder in ur bookmark, so u can categorize ur subject/s. that is what i do ... make it easier to find stuff, otherwise it could be a mess!

here is the url for the AP

PNW, WA(Zone 8a)

daisyavenue I have to have a running doc for things like that or they are gone for good. Just don't forget to save them now and then or a crash will make it go poof!

MaVieRose, Sorry I miss identified your post. I remember now that the alfalfa thread is exactly where I copied that from. That was a very interesting thread.

While we are (kind of ) on the subject of H202 what do you think about using it in plants that don't like having thier feet wet? For instance, I have a Meyer Lemon that I have to wait till it gets a bit wilty before I dare water it. Same with my bougainvillea. What if I used H202 in those types of plants? Do you think it would make a difference? I'm very curiuos as to your thoughts on this.


High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

Robinz... it is safe to use H2O2 on any plant. what it does is to aerate the root zone of the plant/s. a handy ingredients specially when one has tendency to over water one's plants.

i have been using H2O2 for so many years now on all my plants. so far they are all doing great. in fact, i use it at least once a week when watering. not only does it aerate the plants, it also aid in getting rid of bugs.

remember, plants are like people too, u need to feed them, otherwise they will not perform for u. hope i have answered ur question.... ma vie

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