A few flowers from the north-east of England

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Our native bluebells again. These were in Farndale, way out on the North York Moors.

Thumbnail by Northerner
Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Buttercups growing along the dunes of the "Stray" in Redcar, along the Yorkshire coast.

Thumbnail by Northerner
Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Yellow irises growing around the fringes of Acklam Pond - my local duck pond!

Thumbnail by Northerner
Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Dog rose. Growing in the scrubby area near Marton West Beck.

Thumbnail by Northerner
Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Ox-eye daisies growing along the river banks of the River Tees at Yarm.

Thumbnail by Northerner
Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

And a photo of the "Stray" - an area of sand-dunes on the outskirts of Redcar.

Thumbnail by Northerner

Beautiful Northerner!

Some friends came to stay over the bank holiday and their son (12) saw and Ox Eye Daisy for the first time and said Cor, you've got big Daisies darn 'ere LOL.

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Thank you Baa! Our wild flowers are particularly splendid right now. They probably won't look as good in August when the earth starts to look dry and tired. Now is a good time to enjoy them!

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

Wonderful! i can almost feel the wind off the ocean and see the daisies bobbing. any yelow eyed white daisy wins my heart. great pics.

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Lovely photos Northerner
.....and I love that story Baa
.....and agree with Blooms

Panama, NY(Zone 5a)

LOL, Baa - great story!

Northerner, oddly enough, all those English wildflowers are decorating my fields here in North-eastern US. I should say, except for the bluebells, which live in the garden. the iris creep down the road ditches until they can find a friendly swamp and the daisies and buttercups are in all the fields. We do have our own wild roses - pasture rose this time of year and swamp rose later - but they are very similar in look to the dog rose.

About the daisies, I've been ripping them out of my gardens this week - a good deal too much rain has made them go crazy and they are taking over!

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Thank you all! I have some other photos to upload eventually. Last weekend I went to Coatham Marsh, which is also on the outskirts of Redcar, on the northern side. It too has a mass of wildlife, but different species as the environment is different. You can look forward to photos of orchids eventually. Beautiful!

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