Trumpet Vine Question...

Ladson, SC(Zone 8b)

Hi guys....I bought this plant at a local nursery. It was about 2 feet high. After reading about how invasive they are, I decided to put it in a container instead of the ground. It has grown like crazy, and finally, it has bloomed. Can someone please tell me what I can to do encourage more blooms? I have read that they do not need fertile soil, but being in a container, do I feed or not?

Thanks! Angie

Thumbnail by AKelley
Savannah, GA(Zone 8b)

the container is a good idea. yesterday I pulled and dug up all that I could get out because they are so invasive. There are still more there. I will put some in pots. they will probably be trailing to the ground in no time.

North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8a)

I think that the stressing of the vine is what makes it bloom, petunia! Just like Wisteria and climbing roses, the pruning causes the stress and the blossom..Elaine

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

The more sun, the more blooms...looks like that roof may inhibit it from getting an entire days full sun...

Greensburg, IN(Zone 6a)

that is the same Vine that has invaded my garden, comes up everywhere but never any blooms, I am still trying to get rid of it

Midland, TX(Zone 8a)

Angie, if this is your TV's first year, it is unusual to have blooms at all. I think most varieties don't start blooming till second year.

There is no part of my property that does not have some TV growing in it, on it, along it or up it, and I have never planted it. It is all coming from my neighbor's yard. It is even growing in the mortar joint between the patio concrete and the brick wall of my house. From there it goes up the wall, along the wall and into the roof soffits. The other day I found it had come through a wooden fence slat from the alley and was twining itself around the climbing roses. Actually it gives everything sort of a jungly look, because it grows where I couldn't grow anything else . I don't have any yard at all--just conrete patios with small flower beds. It grows up the fence, along the fence and over the fence, and up and along the brick walls of the house. It's easy to prune back when it gets too big or too heavy, and it is a great and abundant fodder for the compost/leaf pile. Those of you without enough greens for your compost, just plant a little TV, and you will be fixed for life.

Actually the foliage is rather nice, and the flowers are always welcome--by me and by every nectar sucker in the county. I draw the line when it gets into the planted beds. There I spray it with a weed killer--the one made by Bayer--and it is quick to understand where it is not wanted.

I don't think you need to feed this monster. It apparently doesn't even need soil. It is absolutely amazing how much energy this plant puts out. Gee, if we could just harness some of that and put it in our bashful plants and slow growers. Where are the plant breeders when we need them? How about some trumpet vine x orchid?


Augusta, WV(Zone 5b)

We have this vine in red, yellow and orange, BUT we have yet to ever have them bloom in the last 3 years.....sigh.....and you weree able to get your to bloom in that container.....$!#@#@^! LOL Great job!!!!

Greensburg, IN(Zone 6a)

I second that. $!#@#@^!

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