Need Help in planting my Air Potatoes

Mesilla Park, NM

I have managed to ruin several potatoes over the past two years. The first ones I put into pots and probably overwatered them, they got little worms inside and all that was left was the shell.

The second batch, I did not know which end was up they did did not come up at all.

This time (I have traded with this lady three times for the same air potatoes) I just received them today..

These already have formed roots, so I Know which side is up.. my question is, do I bury the whole potato or only the roots and leave part of the potato above the soil? I hate to lose these ones too.. Help.. also, should I plant them in a container again and hold off on the water in the winter and dig them out, or what.. THANK you in advance for any info you can share.. Antoinette

Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

Antoinette, I usually have a sprout coming out of mine when I plant them and I put the potato itself an inch or two under the soil. They grow like gangbusters. I have always started mine in the greenhouse and them put them on a trellis when the weather warms up. I usually lose half the top growth to winds before they settle down and really start growing.

Mesilla Park, NM

Thank you so very much Shirley.. I will pot them up right now.. they are soaking in water, they all have one inch roots and a little twig on the side, which is probably where the vine was growing. They say the third time is a charm.. will try again and hope they have time to catch up. Thank you again for your help Shirley. Antoinette

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