Wanted: Chamomile & Dill seeds & Dahlia bulbs

Ashland, OH(Zone 6a)

I'm trying to find some Chamomile and Dill seeds and some Dahlia bulbs (the smaller dahlia, mixed colors) and not having much luck out there. Anyone have any of these things and just might not have listed them? Write me!!!

Ashland, OH(Zone 6a)

Thanks a lot! Sure wish you had some chamomile too!!! lol

Wentworth, SD(Zone 4a)

I will go out and collect some dill for you tomorrow. I will just put it in with the trade I am sending you. I think there should be some seeds left that aren't blown away by this horrible wind.

I have some dahlia tubers, but the plants are HUGE. I am not going to trade any tubers until spring, or close to when your last frost date is. I understand (and this is my first year saving them) that if everything is done correctly 85% of the tubers saved make it through until spring, if that is the case, I will end up with about 15 or so to trade. So, I am waiting to see what ones live and which ones die. I plan on offering these for other bulbs or plants this spring, but be warned the plants are about 6 feet tall, or I really over prepared my soil last year, lol.

See pictures (my biggest flower this year was seven inches across and just as beautiful as this picture) at: http://www.dahlias.net/dahwebpg/Gallery/GalleryHtms/Duet.htm

Ashland, OH(Zone 6a)

Rise Ann.... I can't use the taller ones. Sure wish I could tho! I use to have the huge ones, but our summers are so short that by the time they get huge and are flowering, we get a frost! That's why I'm looking for the shorter ones. My mom had grown the shorter ones and they were beautiful...and didn't take long at all to start flowering, so they flowered most of the summer here.
Also....My earlier post (above) was a thank you to gardener_mick for saying she could send me some of her dill seeds. For some reason when it posted, it went ABOVE her posting to me! I don't know why tho. lol

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