White Honeysuckle/Jasmine

Franklin, MI(Zone 6a)

Hi all!
Just picked up a white Honeysuckle. I was told that it has the strongest scent. Planted it near my deck on a bamboo trellis. Anyone have any info?
Also, have a struggling Jasmine. It just sits in the dirt. Doesn't show signs of dying, but geeezzzz, when will it do something????? I planted it in front of the honeysuckle in full sun. Suggestions?
Thanks ;)

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

The Jasmine I planted took three years to really take off. When it did decide to grow it rapidly overtook the whole side of the garage. The old axiom of the first year the sleep, the secong the creep and the third the leap is often very true.

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

my jasimine is in the shade and gets water every other day and it blooms every year. once it does take off watch out though. i have to cut mine back each year.

Franklin, MI(Zone 6a)

Thanks for your advice on the Jasmine! I don't mind having to cut it back, but does it REALLY smell? I put it in front of my deck.

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

It smells! Heavy and sweet it will fill the air with it's perfum.

Franklin, MI(Zone 6a)

Thanks Zanymuse,
I'll pot it in the fall and keep it in the house over winter and hope I don't kill it off! I can grow nearly anything outside, but once it enters the house, it's days are usually numbered!
I'll just keep thinking about how great it will scent the deck and house.

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

LOL, I keep forgetting that not everyone lives in my mild climate! Here we plant it and let it grow. To move things indoors all winter I would lose at least half to the dry air from the heater and the inevitable pests that seem to thrive better on plants indoors. Good luck with the jasmine though because the scent is worth the effort!

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