Help! Something dug my sweet corn

Wheaton, IL(Zone 5a)

I just re-planted my sweet corn a week ago and something went down the row and dug up most of the seeds. Now I'm begining to understand why it didn't come up well to start with.

I'm not sure what it was, but it dug a 1/2 inch hole every few inches.

Does anyone have any ideas what would do that??
And now to stop them?

Pittsburgh, PA(Zone 6a)

Possibly birds or squirrels? I gave up trying to grow corn years ago cause the birds must've watched me plant the seeds. Daddy would always put powdered lime on the rows right after planting. That seemed to help him for many years.

good luck!!

A woman at work said her husband was planting corn over the weekend. He had to go back in the house to get something and when he got back a crow flew away with the packet of seed.

Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

Crows are notorious packrats they like bright shiny things they are scavengers of accomplishment havibg fed many times from sacks out of dumps and dumpsters not to forget pinic tables. That crow may have ben intrigued by the rattle of the seeds in the bag. Quite cleaver birds. Ernie

Bethelridge, KY(Zone 6a)

Yup, birds will pull it up and eat the seed. I used to have the same problem but read in OG to plant your corn seed inside paper cups with the bottoms removed. Place the cup in your rows (I set them bottom-side up), put in seed and cover with soil. Once the corn grows taller than the cup, the cups can safely be removed. Any open-ended cylinder can be used, even tin cans with both ends removed. It's a pain in the butt and takes a lot of containers, but it works!

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