
Flanders, NJ(Zone 6a)

What to do with this guy or gal? It's so cute, but he or she, loves my cukes, and we can't have that. What do you all recommend to keep he or she at bay?

And soon they'll be dining on your tomatoes. I'm trying fox urine on my fence. There's a mother and 4 babies under my neighbor's shed. They put a have-a-heart trap, don't know if they caught any yet. I just planted loofa seedlings yesterday (not fenced in) and I spraying them with hot pepper spray. The seedlings are a couple of feet from my neighbor's shed.

Check out this thread:

Franklin, MI(Zone 6a)

Check out the poll on critters...lots of info there. Personally, I've been fighting Ground Hogs for years and haven't found anything that works!
Join the NRA and buy a shotgun! LOL

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