hot pepper and bell pepper cross pollination question

Dundee, OH(Zone 5b)

Ok all you gardeners, can you please settle something here for me. My dear BIL insists that you have to plant hot peppers and sweet/bell etc peppers far far away from each other BECAUSE the roots will cross each other if you don't and that is what makes the normal pepper HOT!!!!

NOW, I believe it is all in the pollination! nothing to do with the roots, so if anyone can clear this up, I would love to know!! I think I am correct, but don't want to be totally daft here, so want to hear from you folks!
Thanks ~ Laurrie

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

You are quite right about the roots. Cross pollination only occurs between the male and female parts of the flower. There is the possibility of crossing between the two types if they flower at the same time. It is really only critical if you are saving seed, since only the seed will be the hybrid.

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