Veggie Pics at Last

Henderson, NV(Zone 8b)

My 75 square foot garden in the making. Hoping to post several pics to show progress....

Thumbnail by faronell
Henderson, NV(Zone 8b)

Here's a pic of early garden...April

Thumbnail by faronell
Henderson, NV(Zone 8b)

Here's a pic mid May...

Thumbnail by faronell
Henderson, NV(Zone 8b)

Here's a close-up of NOSEGAY pepper plant

Thumbnail by faronell
Henderson, NV(Zone 8b)

This is pic of the ONLY tomato worm I've seen this season (so far) and he was actually on the mexican primrose, not on the tomato plant. The tomato plants are near the herbs which I think helps. Of course in my little patch everything is near everything else....

Thumbnail by faronell
Henderson, NV(Zone 8b)

This is a close-up of the Cinnamon Basil blooming next to the tomato.....

Thumbnail by faronell
Henderson, NV(Zone 8b)

These are my babies waiting for mom to find a spot in the garden, actually have to finish extending down the garden another 3 feet or so. The dirt here is so bad, I have to dig everything out, screen it, amend it, then put it back. Very labor intensive. DH built me a foldling screen to work with, I show it next pic. It really is nice. When I get a chance to have a bigger garden, I am doing raised beds....OH! These are a variety of hot pepper plants!

Thumbnail by faronell
Henderson, NV(Zone 8b)

Here's a pic of the screen. Very helpful item.

Thumbnail by faronell
Henderson, NV(Zone 8b)

Lady in Red.....This is DH favorite pic, (which he took) of the Scarlet Runner Bean Flower...

Thumbnail by faronell
Henderson, NV(Zone 8b)

This is regular old Zuchinni, Its in a small redwood barrel. Underleaves are radishes, which I sort of use as "living mulch" where possible. Looking forward to putting these puppies on the grill......

Thumbnail by faronell
Henderson, NV(Zone 8b)

These Zuchs are in a 1/2 whiskey barrel and are supposed to be the little round ones. Never seen or tried them before so not sure how they will do.....

Thumbnail by faronell
Henderson, NV(Zone 8b)

I have my herbs both in 1/2 barrels and a few in the ground around the tomatoes. These next 2 pic are from April when just getting a start.
Barrel one has Parsley, Thyme, Rosemary....The lemon balm in the middle didn't make it. The leaves kept getting brown on the edges and looking all wierd, so I took it out. Will get some more and just put it in a pot by itself...

Thumbnail by faronell
Henderson, NV(Zone 8b)

Herb Barrel 2....This one has Lavendar, Genovese Basil, Greek Basil, Oregano, White Sage.......The first sage died because I let it flower too soon. Before it got a chance to dig so have replaced it. Second one is OK but not great. The other sage plants which are in the ground proper (Purple Sage, Variegated Sage, and Golden Sage all seem happy, so maybe the White Sage will have to come out of the barrel. We'll have to wait and see.....Right now the barrels are well shaded by the both the tomatoe on one side and the Tomatillo on the other....

Thumbnail by faronell
Henderson, NV(Zone 8b)

Here is a pic of a Tomatillo Bloom. I had never even seen a Tomatillo plant before now. They actually make a miniature tree with a trunk and canopy like top. Pretty Cool! Looking forward to good salsa this summer......

Thumbnail by faronell
Henderson, NV(Zone 8b)

This is a pic about 2 weeks ago before I picked the last of my small patch of Chard....These were the "Neon Lights" type with very colorful stems. I did not let them get too big, I wanted them young, tender, and not bitter. Was actually very impressed with the flavor. I have a good recipe if anyone is interested. Will grow it again in the fall as weather too hot here to start another batch now....

Thumbnail by faronell
Henderson, NV(Zone 8b)

Here is one more overview and then I quit for a while. I wish I had more space and more time to play in the dirt. I work full time so relish the few hours I have to indulge in the garden. I have about a bazillion more seeds I want to try and hoping I get the chance to do so....

Thumbnail by faronell
Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

I'd say you have a very successful garden going there!

Thanks for the peek! You're doing great! Having fun, too, eh?

(Oh my...Tomatillo will grow into a tree!? I set some out this year, too. Hope I didn't space them too close together...any idea how tall they get?)

Henderson, NV(Zone 8b)

Hey Shoe, mine are just about shy of 3 feet. I have a total of 3 plants, guess you need more than one for pollination. Actually mine are only inches apart but seem to be doing OK. I keep everything close together, they give each other support from the winds and also the intense sun. (No Shade!)The tomatillo are the only thing that has really had a bug problem. I had some very dark yuk looking things on the underside of the leaves. I wound up plucking off a bunch of leaves and spraying water up under them also. Still don't know what they were. Think they are under control now, have to see. Are aphids dark? Thought they were more on the white side....

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Okay, thanks. Mine are planted in "twos" and seem to be doing just fine, are only about a ft tall so far.

Yes, some aphids can be black (bean aphids).

Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

Glad to hear tomitllios are only tree form not huge plant two the first time this year they are about 18 inches tall and covered with bloom.

Nice pics thanks I would like to be able to do that but I am just to impatient to learn how I still live in the age of the Pentax Super Program. Ernie

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