Anyone want any maple seedlings?

Palmyra, IL(Zone 5b)

For sase or trade? They have a redish tint. I have hundreds coming up.I will have to get out a field ID book to see what kind they are. Mom is moving the horses up here so they will be trampled soon.Thanks, Jody

My guess is they are Silver Maple seedlings. They start out with a reddish cast then as they get bigger they turn completely green. I yank hundreds of these out every year. LOL!


Palmyra, IL(Zone 5b)

Davena,Thanks for the ID. Jody

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8a)

I would love some. I would like to get 5 or 6 if I could. Let me know what the postage will be and I will get that out to you. Not sure how they will do here but I push the limits on everything. If they do great yea! If not, out it comes. I haven't had to remove hardly anything.
Thanks for the offer.

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