
Brewers, KY(Zone 6b)

psssst, Shoe. (this a.m. harvest)

Thumbnail by justmeLisa
Cleveland, OH(Zone 5b)

Yum! Yum! what kind are they? Mine aren't even planted yet! Too wet! Shootin' for tomorrow.

Brewers, KY(Zone 6b)

Louisiana Roma and Merced.
The Romas are for salsa, the Merceds are for BLT's!

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)


Here I sit, salivatin' and droolin' all over my keyboard! No fair! No fair at all!!

Reckon you best be posting your salsa's the only way you can stay outta trubble now!

(No fair! NO fair, I say!)

Flanders, NJ(Zone 6a)

Good ole' Cali, that's not right, coming from a Jersey Boy. Whew, they do look great, have a BLT for me, also. Enjoy, and keep those delicous pics coming!

Oh Lisa, I have to agree with Shoe - it ain't fair. I'm hoping to get mine in tomorrow. They look yummy!

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Oh I can just about taste them. Mine would have been ready but I had to move so I will have to wait for my fall crop. Got a very late start. Nice to see them! Are you growing other varities?

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Lisa... you are disgusting! I barely have blooms and you are teasing us with zone envy! I can barely wait for a REAL tomato!

Brewers, KY(Zone 6b)

lol darius, hang in there!

Tplant, I planted a couple of heirlooms that my neighbor gave me, those are not doing so well.

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Judging by the quality of the tomatoes I've already seen from your garden, I don't understand why you should have any problems at all? Are they growing in a different location?

Bethelridge, KY(Zone 6a)

I'm green with envy! So are my tomatoes, just green.

Brewers, KY(Zone 6b)

tplant, the row that is bearing so nice is the row I hauled in chicken glicken. aka chicken manure (term I gleamed from MistyMeadows) I ran out of chicken glicken and the other 2 rows didn't get any. I am pulling up those plants this week.

Payneville, KY(Zone 7a)

We need Zanymuse to write a poem about Chicken Glicken....

Chicken Glicken
makes your food
worth Lickin

your fingers fer....

But be careful, cook it good
so you don't sicken..

Oh, I'm not as good at it as Zany.....:)

Mount Hermon, LA(Zone 8b)

Lisa! What "zone" are you in.... the Twilight Zone? LOL.

I don't even have any little tomatoes yet on the heirlooms I planted! Your crops are always beautiful!

lagrange, GA(Zone 7a)

Got any sugar cane? lol

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

HAH!.....grinning here!

Jim! So good to see you here! You dawg you! Hope Ya'll are doing well down there! Hello to the wife! She keeping you in line, right!?

lagrange, GA(Zone 7a)

Shoe you know that woman ain't gonna give me any slack. lol
We doing pretty good for old folks. Hope things are good for you.

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