Pretty Painted Pots

Garberville, CA(Zone 9a)

This is what happens when a bored gardener is let loose on the paint aisle at Michaels....

My strawberry in its new home.

Thumbnail by ladyrowan
Garberville, CA(Zone 9a)

Yellow Gerbera Daisy

Thumbnail by ladyrowan
Garberville, CA(Zone 9a)

I didn't paint this one, but I add this to the thread, and invite anyone else to provide pictures too! What do you do to brighten up your pots?

Thumbnail by ladyrowan
Spokane, WA(Zone 5b)

those are pretty! I plan on doing some painting on my BIG pots I have reserved for my Brugs. They are black plastic (I need them to be lightweight), so I am going to go get some of that new spray paint that sticks to plastic without primer, put on some designs with tape and spray away! I'll post them when they are finished. I still need to go to Lowes and pick the spray up - Thinking about maybe two different colors, Green & Dark Pink, but really haven't decided - will wait to see the colors at the store and let my mind churn there.

Garberville, CA(Zone 9a)

Sounds very cool! Have you ever tried "webbing" spray? I have a small can of gold webbing spray that I intended to spray on another pot that I painted, but I screwed up, used the wrong colors, and decided that the contrast wouldn't be enough to warrant it. Oh, well... I'll just be "forced" to buy some new pots! :)

The top pot is my current favorite, because the colors are starting to mellow out now. The top two pictures were taken the day after I potted them, and the paint was still bright.

Spokane, WA(Zone 5b)

will the webbing spray adhere to plastic? most paints don't, and the one I am going to buy just came out on the market. Doing a gold webbing spray would look really really cool! When you are done with your "new" pots with the webbing spray, please post so I can see what it looks like!

Garberville, CA(Zone 9a)

I think it will adhere to just about anything. I worked at a costume shop once, and the owner used to spraypaint plastic "masquerade" masks, then spray webbing paint on top of that. It looked pretty cool.

I've also heard of people spraying their skateboards with it.

Sunflower in the pot that was SUPPOSED to be black, with red trim and webbing spray over the whole thing. I had a dyslexic moment... oh, well. It still looks neat.

Thumbnail by ladyrowan
Garberville, CA(Zone 9a)

Two pots that I painted for our dessert booth at the 4th of July picnic at Benbow State Park last weekend.

Thumbnail by ladyrowan
Rutland , MA(Zone 5b)

i'll bet you can sell a big bunch of those at any flea market in your area. they are beautiful.

Mercer, PA(Zone 5a)

I agree, how purddy!


Muscoda, WI(Zone 4b)

It looks like I'll be looking for pots at the garage sales...:-) Ladyrowan, I really like the first pot...and LOVE the stars and stripes. You have them planted beautifully!


Northwest, MO(Zone 5a)

What is webbing spray?

Spokane, WA(Zone 5b)

I ended up buying already made pots for my brugs (light plastic) that will look ok in the house, during the winter, so we skipped on the artsy thing this year. It would have been fun though!

Garberville, CA(Zone 9a)

Deb, Webbing spray is a kind of spray paint that you can usually buy in art-supply stores. Instead of coming out evenly, it comes out in weird strands, kind of like silly string. The amount of coverage will depend on how close you hold the can to the surface you're spraying. I'll upload a picture as soon as I have access to the other computer.


Garberville, CA(Zone 9a)

Here is the top of a small metal tin that I sprayed with Gold Webbing spray a while back. Any guesses what the tin is sitting on?

Thumbnail by ladyrowan
Lake City, FL


I love your painted pots! I have often thought about doing this myself but can't find the time right now. Catalogs sell these at a pricey penny....have you ever thought about opening up a store on DG and selling these beautiful things? Something to consider and make a little xtra $'s!!!! I'm thinking if I find the time making them for my sisters for Christmas! Melinda

This message was edited Jul 13, 2004 7:13 AM

Garberville, CA(Zone 9a)

Thanks Mel!

The pots aren't too expensive, but considering the time I spend on each pot, I wouldn't make very much. I am definately one of those really picky painters, who can't have so much as a speck of paint out of place!

You should've seen me when I was painting the flag pots! The stupid stars aren't evenly spaced....grrr.... :P I can't help it. I'm a compulsive paint-critic.

I have three "shiny" new terracotta pots that are screaming to be painted, so I'm off to make a mess...and hopefully not dump anymore paint on the carpet...No, I'm pretty sure that bright blue splotch has ALWAYS been in the carpet!!!! Heh.... I am SO lucky we have 30-year-old shag carpeting, otherwise I'd be homeless right now.


Lake City, FL

HA! Ha! You are too much Lori! Anything that is "handcrafted" isn't suppose to be perfect. That's what makes handmade items and gifts so unique and special. The country is in a whirl about homemade gifts this year! (guess it's the in thing!)

Pretty funny about the paint spot! Once I took a wax bronzing class and there was melted wax everywhere because I worked on my Dinind Room table! Talk about mess? yeeeuk!

By the way, I just loved the Flag Pots!!!!

Keep up the great work!


Lenexa, KS(Zone 6a)

Lori - I give!! What's the tin sitting on? Only thing that came to mind was a POW*MIA painting of some kind. (I know - weird idea -- it's late!)


Garberville, CA(Zone 9a)

Hi, Brenda.

The metal tin is sitting on my program from "The Lion King", which we just saw last weekend in San Francisco. The image is of the left half of the lion's head.

Hey! For anyone in the Northern CA area, there is a Garden Tour being planned in Eureka on September 12.

I just saw an article in the paper about it. If you are interested in more info, they do have a website...

It is $20, and will feature 12 gardens from the Cutten area of Eureka, Humboldt Hill, Humboldt Botanical Garden, Loleta, and Fortuna.


Lenexa, KS(Zone 6a)

Lion King!?? I was a little off with POW/MIA!! LOL!

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

Lori, I'll see you at the tour!

Garberville, CA(Zone 9a)

Woo!!! I'm looking forward to it! I don't know if you get the "Redwood Times" in Fortuna, but they did a really nice write-up in this week's issue. I'll see if I can type it up tonight, for the "Garden Tour" thread.


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