Daisy is back.....

Norwich, Norfolk, United Kingdom

Hi All, well i made it back in one piece. I'd just like to say that nothing, apsolutely NOTHING is going to get me back in an aeroplane! It has to of been the most frightening 4 hours of my entire life. But the holiday was good, and you should have seen the Agavas.....WOW. must have been 7ft tall, and one had a flower spike of about 25ft!! Weather was sunny and hot and the pina coladas were rather nice.

Well thats a quick update on my goings on for the last 2 weeks. Looks like things have changed a bit round here aswell. What happened with the chat room? All ive managed to find out is there were some probs and Daves closed it down. It's such a shame. It was great way to get to know people. I know somebody in my house who will be pleased, he might get to see a bit more of me now!

Oh well, off to get another load of washing in the machine,
bye for now.

Wigan, Landcashire, United Kingdom

Hiya Daisy-i came off my holidays just as you went, i went to Cala Dor in Majorca, loved it. I have been off the web for about 10 days due to ISP problems and got back and the chat is now finished, what a pity i really enjoyed it when i came on.

Hanover, PA(Zone 6a)

Hi, Daisy and Sheila! I just got back from three week holiday in the UK! Saw lots of wonderful gardens and whole fields of daffodils in Scotland. I couldn't believe the wonderful weather we had in the Highlands of Scotland! I didn't think it was ever that nice there - it's always beautiful but usually when I've been there pretty wet! Where are you two from?

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Hello SuePa! Hi Daisy and Sheila! What lovely holidays you've all had! Piles of washing usually accompany the end of a holiday!! Just days out for me this year I think. But plenty of nice places for a day out though. What are Agavas? They sound most impressive. Those field of daffodils sound lovely. I've had many holidays in the Scottish Highlands SuePa, my parents were Scots, from the Edinburgh area. Whereabouts did you go? We used to go along the West coast a lot, round by Oban and Fort William and Ullapoool and Glencoe. Now I feel homesick Sigh. One of my friends, a penpal actually, has gone into the B & B business, found a website for her home on the Web. Oh what a gorgeous view, absolutely stunning. She's a good cook too and put a lot of work into getting her B & B off the ground. Hope it's doing well for her.
Well, more exams next week, better get back to the grindstone again. Bye for now!

Norwich, Norfolk, United Kingdom

HI Northener, what exams are you taking? I hope they are going well, and continue to do so.

Agarves are type of succulanty thing. They have tough thick leaves, usually with a rather nasty spike on the end. You get different colours, usually green or blue and varigated. If youd like one, email me and i'll post you one.

My mum is Scottish. Used to go there on holidays when i was small, but i haven't been back for nearly 20 years now. Thats where i'm aiming to convince my other half to go next year on holiday.....non of this "Plane" business again!!

Macclesfield, CHESHIRE(Zone 8a)

Hi Daisy,

Where the hell did you go. The only 4 hour flight I know that ends in panic is to Madeira. The guy who designed that airport needs an Oscar in Sado-masochism. Am I right ?

El Tel

Norwich, Norfolk, United Kingdom

El Tel, I went to Minorca. Flew from Norwich airport. 2 hours there and 2 hours back = 4 hours of shear hell!! Never EVER again.

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Hello Daisy! Thank you for the offer. I'm not very good with houseplants I'm afraid, sometimes forget to water them. Better with outdoor gardening, let Mother Nature do her job, but it was very kind of you to offer.
I've never flown. Expect I will some day, just never got round to it. Is flying uncomfortable or are you nervous? I'm sure I'd be nervous the first time. Oh dear, now I'm starting to remember that comedy film "Airplane!". Hope you didn't bump into Leslie Nielsen!!!
I'm sitting computing exams. They're undergraduate ones to give me some background knowledge for next year's M.Sc course. I'm very relieved the offer of a place is unconditional but I still want to finish off these courses. The next exams are for "Fundamentals of Computers", that's about the hardware and it's things like DOS, and buses and flipflops and adders and UDMA and SVGA - oh what a lot I've got to remember!!
I haven't had much time for the garden recently -got a few perennials in flower though, delphiniums and poppies and peonies. I've got more Himalayan Balsam storming away. It's invasive but very pretty. I thought, should I dig it up and get rid off it? But I'm a bit short of summer flowering plants so I'm keeping it, for now, as long as it isn't being a nuisance. Garden's not so good this year as last, poor spring I think. Put loads of seeds in too. Got quite a few foxgloves in flower, I'll try to spread that a bit and red campion, very pretty. Roses are a bit pathetic, of course they're very old. Will probably take a few more out in the autumn. Several hardy geraniums in flower and a cranesbill.
Hope you make it back to Scotland for a holiday again, I think it's out of this world for beauty. 1992 since I was last there, after that my Dad's arthritis got too bad for him to walk any distance. Want to go up again, next year maybe, see my family in Glasgow. My Aunt is 81 now. It would be nice to see all my cousins again.
Well, that seems to be all my news, bye for now!

Hanover, PA(Zone 6a)

Hi,all! (I'm SuePa I haven't posted here very often so I'm not sure I'm doing this right.) About Scotland. It is asbsolutely beautiful. It was our second trip. This time we started out in Inverness, swung down to a lovely B&B in the glens above Kirriemuir, then went over to the Road to the Isles, took the ferry to Sky, then Harris, then Ullapool. We drove up the west coast from Ullapool to Tongue via Lochinver and then back to Inverness and home. It was a great, great trip. We staid in some wonderful inns, country house hotels, Wosley Lodges and B&B's. I love the northern highlands but I do wish they were closer. My plane ride was 6 hours to London and then two to Inverness - each way!

For an interesting holiday experience, you can't beat a night flight back from Mauritius when your 16 year old son ran into a see-saw in the morning playing chase (after you'd packed and left your room)and you all had to go to a local hospital in a waiter's car and he had to have four stitches and a drink of sugar water because they didn't have a drip and he had a tetanus jab that he didn't tell you about till later because he knew you'd worry, and had to wear a bandage around his head and looked really bad, and then you had to stop at Geneva. Have you ever flown into Geneva? I've not actually been in a plane crash ....

Brewers, KY(Zone 6b)

Hey Daisy! I am so glad you made it back! I was thinking about you today!!! Welcome home! Lisa

Wigan, Landcashire, United Kingdom

I love plane journeys, but if you ever go to Palermo in Sicily well that is hair-raising as you are surrounded by mountains but as i am here to tell the tale the plane always made it, but i love Sicily i feel it is my second home.

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

When I was on holiday in Innsbruck many years ago the guide took us near to the airport. He had great fun pointing out the local hospital and cemetary. Has anyone here flown on Concorde? I always quite fancied that. My boyriend Rodney (this is also a loooong time ago) had a flight on Concorde, the lucky-so-and-so.
Hi SuePa! I know virtually all of that route that you took on your holiday. I hope you had good weather. The scenery on that route is just breathtaking. I have a cousin who lives on Skye. I am hoping to go up to Scotland again in a year or two to see my cousins and aunt in Glasgow. Better make that a good few days as I've family in Aberdeen as well. I imagine you took lots of photos. There are a lot of photos on the Web, just key-in the place-name and photo. That'll bring you up a lot of reminders of where you've been. I remember there were bats circling round the hotel that we stayed in near Lochinver. I've also stayed in youth hostels along that route and camped as well. Camped on Skye a couple of times.

Mount Prospect, IL(Zone 5a)

HI All, I've just got my nerve up to come to the UK again and now Daisy says never again will she fly?? This is all I need to change my mind about flying! Oh dear. And that was 4 hours? Would be 8 hours one way for me. I've got to think about this some more. Doris

Macclesfield, CHESHIRE(Zone 8a)

Hi Daisy-Chain.

Panic you may have had but, come on, wasn't Madeira just about the most heavenly place for a gardener to visit. If you can SERIOUSLY tell me you didnt leave with a tinge of regret, well, you just aint got no sole !!!!! I am so taken with the place I'm seriously thinking about buying a home there - flying included !!

El Tel

Oops, just realised you said Minorca - Senior Moment no. 43

This message was edited Wednesday, Jun 13th 3:11 PM

Norwich, Norfolk, United Kingdom

Lol, El Tel

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