Ayuh 3

Lyndeborough, NH

At the turn of the last centruy 1800 to 1900. Carnation milk just came out. They were having a poetry contest using the name of Carnation milk, The top prize was $50

She started writing

Carnation Milk is the best in the land
Because it comes in a can.

Then she set it down a forgot about about it.

Three months later she gets a letter from Carnation Milk, It has a check in it for $500. ( a lot of bucks back then)

It has a letter in it.

Dear Mrs. ~~

We can not use your poem in our advertizing, but the staff enjoyed it so much we are sending you this check.


Well that night at the supper table, just before desert,

Ma digs out this letter and say "Ok Who did this"

My brother finally pipes up and said "I did"

Ma said " And exactly what did you write"

My Brother said

"Carnation Milk, it is the best in the land

Because it comes in a can

No more pulling the t__

No more shoveling the sh--

Just poke a hole in the S.O.B."

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