suggestions for a catepillar problem?

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

I have catepillars (or some related pest) eating my tomatoes prior to ripening. They burrow into the fruit. I also have them on my Lemon tree, as they are eating the new leaves. I have only been able to catch a few.

Any suggestions as to a good way to stop them?

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Tomato worm ... pesky critters, eh?

Use some Dipel (powder) or Thuricide (liquid)...that will take care of them and do so in a safe way.

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

Assuming that they are tomato fruit worms, remember that Bt in any formulation has to be eaten by the larvae. Once they enter the tomato they are untouchable. You have to say ahead of them applying the Bt so that they get a stomach full munching from thier hatching site to the nearest tomato. Bt is residual so you dont have to apply every day. Just make sure that all the leaves and youn tomatoes are covered (like afetr each rain/ new growth)

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