Welcome Mom!

Irving (Dallas area), TX(Zone 8a)

My mom just signed up (Luv2Weed). I'm sure she'll be along shortly to tell you all about herself, and all the things you don't know about me (yikes!). LOL.


Fountain, FL(Zone 8a)

Welcome Love2Weed...enjoy your time here! This site is truely awsome!! I subscribed my DD (aspengirl) today as an early birthday gift. Now she and you will understand why we keep running our mouths about Dave's Garden. LOL :-)))

Irving, TX(Zone 8a)

Thanks very much, Ginger! I don't begin to know as much about plants as Paul does, but DG must be a wonderful place to learn! I already know that great people "live" and visit in this community.


Oostburg, WI(Zone 5b)

A big Iowa Welcome to you!! We'll be waiting to hear on the 'dirt' on Paul! LOL Enjoy the garden!

Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

Welcome to Daves Garden, Vi. Bet you will enjoy your time here. I enjoy it so much I tend to forget there are other things that need to be done. Glad you are with us.


Irving, TX(Zone 8a)

Thanks again, folks. "Dirt" -- Paul has a lot of that, but all from working in the garden. We're a homeschooling family, and Paul is one of six siblings, including his twin brother, who will be turning 14 in a couple of weeks! Then there's John, on his way to college in the fall, Rachel, 17, Daniel, 15, and James, 10. There was a time when John was our in-house (in-garden?) botanist, but look out, here came Paul. Our whole family was in an uproar when Dave was considering a name change for DG. Looking forward to great times...

Rutland , MA(Zone 5b)

luv2weed - welcome aboard from a new york state gardener. its a great place.

Irving, TX(Zone 8a)

I have been taking some of my quiet Sunday afternoon to look around. I didn't know the half of it! I already knew from Paul's comments that DG is an outstanding community. When I looked at the forum topics and began to choose those I wanted in my preferences, I ended up with 30 in a hurry! What do you say, folks? What are some of your favorites for getting to know the wonderful friends in the community? (I already think Prayer Requests will be way up there at the top for me.) And what are some of the best for "Green-Thumb Wannabes"? I'd love to learn a bunch from the experts out there! Thanks once again for the warm welcome from all over the U.S., Ginger, kooger, Brugie, and Herbie; not even Texas can beat you in warmth and friendliness! And Paul, DS (is that correct?), thanks for getting me signed up!

This message was edited May 23, 2004 5:57 PM

Spokane, WA(Zone 5b)

Welcome Luv2Weed!

Irving, TX(Zone 8a)

Thanks much, Karrie!!

(Sue) South Central, IA(Zone 5a)

Luv2weed, Welcome to the garden. I just love it when we can share the simple things in life with those closest to us. Once more welcome to Dave's, it's a 'Family Affair'.

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

Welcome to DAve's Luv2Weed, you will learn so much here. There are experts in every forum...I've learned how to grow a Plumeria in Saskatchewan from the great people here!

Irving, TX(Zone 8a)

Hard to believe it's been only about a week since I joined Dave's Garden. I've visited enough to feel as if I've gotten to know some of you pretty well. 'Scuse me for gushing, but it is so deserved. Dave's Garden community is absolutely, positively, ....superlative, ...superlative... outstanding. I certainly approve of the company my son keeps. Maybe Dave should have changed the name after all to Dave's Family.

I'm posting a photo of the family from our Colorado trip last fall. Everyone looks much the same except that four out of the five boys now are taller than my 5'9'' (and maybe I'm that much grayer).

Question: those of you who have gotten to know Paulwhwest, do you want me to tell you which one he is, or do you want to guess?

Thumbnail by Luv2Weed
Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

My guess would be that the handsome young man on your left, with the white shirt on, is Paul. This is a nice family picture. I'm glad you are enjoying your time at Daves.

Irving, TX(Zone 8a)

Wow. Right you are. Thanks again, everyone, for the welcome you give to all us newcomers. Looking forward to seeing you around the garden!

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

Welcome Luv2weed, My brother used to live in Irving, gets hot where you are too. My DD signed me up, too. Here in Utah's Canyonlands we get hot and have no rain to speak of so xeriscaping comes up often. See you 'round the forums.

Baker City, OR(Zone 5b)

A late welcome from Oregon. Your son gave you a great gift! I salute you for homeschooling, it's a huge commitment but produces great benefits, one of which is closer family ties!

Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

Gosh, I even surprised me. LOL!

Pleasant Grove, UT(Zone 6a)

Welcome Luv2Weed! I keep trying to get my SIL and her oldest daughter to check out DG. They are a homeschooling family, and my niece loves studying botany. How did your son, Paul, become interested in DG?

Now I have a kooky question for you: ever heard of "A Thomas Jefferson Education" by Oliver deMille? My SIL introduced the book to me and I love it! I'm not a home-schooler but I think it's such a great outine to follow for educators (parents) to follow. But that's probably like asking you if you know "so-and-so" who lives in Texas!


Pleasant Grove, UT(Zone 6a)

I just noticed that Paul and I have the same birthday! Happy Birthday, Paul!


Irving (Dallas area), TX(Zone 8a)

Happy birthday to you too, Claire!


Pleasant Grove, UT(Zone 6a)

Thank you, Paul! So you're the big one-four? I'm 35 today, although 14 is closer to how I feel. I think I stopped aging when I turned 20. :)


Irving, TX(Zone 8a)

Hi Claire! Thanks for mentioning the deMille book. If I've heard of it before, it passed me by. But I always love finding new resources!

I believe Paul first found the PDB when he was looking up a particular plant on the web. And then he was intrigued not only to see what was available, but to add his own photos.

Since he finished his schoolwork for this year, he's been spending more time contributing to the PDB. What a great way to learn and share. He has also really enjoyed discussing plants on the forum, and getting to know other gardeners. I think everybody in our family knows who gardenwife and Howie are! And when Dave wears specimens on his head, well, we all get to see...

MaryE, thanks for your kind words on homeschooling. I have to confess that although several factors went into our decision to homeschool (back when our oldest approached school age), I would do it for sheer enjoyment of the adventure!

Santa Ana, CA(Zone 9b)

I just browsed over to this thread and looked at the family pic before reading "the answer" -- and I guessed Paul was the one with the camera on your left!!! Pretty good, huh? (Well, the fact you said he was a twin ruled out the biggest and the smallest, and first glance it was the only camera I noticed, so in reality it was just luck.)

You have/are a lovely family! ~'spin!~
(Blooms from Utah is my mom, BTW.)

Spokane, WA(Zone 5b)

ha ha Paul - notice I didn't tell! :)

You have a beautiful family - both of you!

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