what vines for the shade?

Rethymno, Crete, Greece(Zone 10b)

I have a fence about 100 meters long which is under oak trees - they are not big oaks, just 4 -5 m. high and not thick.

I would like to add vines to cover it, preferably with some flowers on. The summer is hot, but I can provide water easily.
Any ideas will be appreciated.


Crestview, FL(Zone 7b)

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Rethymno, Crete, Greece(Zone 10b)

thank you. MzM !!

Now I have to find out what this is.
we have jasmine-like vine, only they call it here
"rynchospemum" (in greek it means that the seed has a beak)
Yet, I will definitely try to get my hands on one.


Thousand Oaks, CA

Hey, if you want something that will vine and grow anywhere, try morning glory. It won't flower well in the shade, but it will grow lushly. IT's a total weed, though. I have snail vine and it's doing great in complete shade. You have to battle the aphids, though.

Woodbourne, NY(Zone 5a)

I've read the same about snail vine tolerating shade -- I'm just putting some seed to soak tonight!

I'm trying cup-and-saucer vine (Cobea scandens) for the first time this year. It is said to do well in partial shade. I have one in full sun, and one in partial shade, so I'll be able to report more later. I was fascinated when I read about it and had to give it a try.

Here's a link to the entry in the Plant Encyclopedia: http://hg.women.com/homeandgarden/plants/cobascan.htm

Crestview, FL(Zone 7b)

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Rethymno, Crete, Greece(Zone 10b)

BB, (perhaps BB doesn't suit you, it was used widely in France for Brigitte Bardot!!!)
I have plenty of morning glory in sunny or partial shade areas - it takes sunlight surprisingly well!!

Paris, (bear in mind that you bear the name of a man so handsome and such a womaniser, that the ost beautiful women, among them a godess, decided to compete for beauty with him as the only judge!!!) Many thanks for your suggestion, it looks very interesting.

MzM, what a nice idea!

I never heard of such a climber - please give a latin name so I can start looking for it in DG seeds trade - I never heard of it before, so I am afraid the only hope could be seed merchants - God knows where...yet again chances are that Chooch, Poppysue, Karma or some of you will definitely know it, have 11 varieties (incl. one that looks like a euphorbian water lilly), etc..etc..
Let me see!!

Rethymno, Crete, Greece(Zone 10b)

MzM, trachelospermum jasminoides!! this is the thing I already have, but didn't know it grows in the shade as well!!

i 'll put down 5 pieces on Sunday!!

How about the climbing perennial hydrangea?? can you direct me to the seeds??

MzM, would you like some wild nigella seeds as thanks?
This species produces a balloon-like carpel that is bound up to the top, and if dried before it spreads the seeds it has a nice look.
Let me know!! I gathered the seeds today.

Crestview, FL(Zone 7b)

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Woodbourne, NY(Zone 5a)

Dimitri -- re. my screen name -- It didn't click at first why you were so aware of the Greek origins of the name! I chose it more out of nostalgia for my student days in France, but I was aware of the hubris I was risking by using the name of Helen's beau. I've been surprised by how many people have picked up on the Greek name.

I looked up hydrangea vine out of curiosity, because I am not familiar with it, and found this place where H. anomala petiolaris can be ordered: http://www.whiteflowerfarm.com/item.asp?p=1663

They may not deliver to Crete, though.

This message was edited Saturday, Jun 9th 1:59 AM

Rethymno, Crete, Greece(Zone 10b)


I bought two trachelosperma ( there is too much digging t oput down five I had said...)
I am still looking for the russian fleece, the hydrangea tree and the paeonia tree )like ulysses, where the search was more interesting than the result!!!

Shade trachelosperma will bear your initials: MzM

Ridgeland, SC(Zone 8a)

Dimitri, What do you mean when you say russian fleece?I have Eleangus--sometimes called Russian Olive. It is a shrub that you can shape, which you will be doing a lot. Iam letting mine just grow as it will make a living screen eventually. Kind of a wild thing, but Ilike to let nature do its' thing. It blooms in mi-late spring and has berries in the fall-winter that the birds enjoy. Let me know if is the same as you were talking about.

Rethymno, Crete, Greece(Zone 10b)


on the same subject, in a different thread,
the polygonum aubertii (russian vine, or chinese fleece or silver lace vine) was mentioned and I made up a name using half of one and half of the other.

Eleangus is a nice shrub/tree, but I have more shrub/trees than I need.

Many thanks for yor response.

Crestview, FL(Zone 7b)

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Rethymno, Crete, Greece(Zone 10b)

Thank you, MzM!
there are plans to make a few web pages with details of the land, but I am too busy. I am quite good in conventional 35mm photography, but scanning and then digital photo processing and then uploading... too much!!

But, I will do my best to upload at least one photo showing my cat on my shoulders while I am pruning!! He never stays away from me, and he likes best to climb on my shoulders or go exactly where I am working, and put his tail where the pruner is snapping - I wonder when his tail will be trimmed!!

Wishes to you all

Ridgeland, SC(Zone 8a)

That's O.K. Dimitri, I thought you had made a new discovery. Would love to see a pix of you and your cat. Take care, Mom

Rethymno, Crete, Greece(Zone 10b)

Hi mom54, pic of Fatso (the cat, not the boss) being prepared within the week.

I make discoveries everyday - and later I find out the others already knew!! LOLOLOLOL
But I still enjoy the beauty of finding something new, even if all knew about it.

And with Latin names, sometimes I like them and others I get fed up with them (and describe the rest as
Flowerum Whateva ssp. biggish x reddish

Bull****ium thornum, var. getridum immediatum

And life goes on...


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