Datura Seedlings

Cassopolis, MI(Zone 5a)

I was pretty amazed yesterday when I went outside and realized that I had some datura seedlings up about 1 1/2 inches in a couple of surprise situations.
The first one I had done in February, I planted some seeds and when they didn't come up I put them outside with the rest of the winter sowing bottles not knowing that they were not supposed to be that cold.
The second one was some I started a long time ago and they had started to come up and then I thought had gotten killed in the weather last month that was so terrible.
Yesterday when I was out looking at the seedlings I realized that 4 new daturas had popped up in the seedling tray that I had been thinking I needed to give up on.
It made me wonder about the winter sowing bottle so I decided to dig it out of the pile of (stuff that didn't grow) and look at it! Sure enough there were 4 little daturas popping through the ground after being abused for the last month and left to their own devices.
I know that the ones that were winter sown went through a lot of freezing temps so I am absolutely amazed at how hardy they are.
I also found about 10 other bottles and trays of things that I had thought were lost because of weather and several of those have new sprouts coming through! (I had a large hole where I had dug out some good dirt so I could fill it in with some trash dirt for the new above ground bed, and I had used it as a storage spot for all of the things that I thought were dead until I was ready to empty the containers and wash them)
The most amazing thing to me is that they are all things that I would have that would not with stand the weather.
Morning Glories
4 O'clocks
and a Thunbergia vine
I am really amazed by this and decided I wanted to share the info, and find out if anybody else has had similar experiences!!!

Stockton, CA(Zone 9a)

Oh Alice! I am so glad to hear this! I had been feeling so bad for you after you told me that you had lost so much in that surprise weather attack you had. !!!

GOD's Green Earth, United States(Zone 8b)

Congrats, Alice! That's wonderful!!! Mother Nature sure does have a way of surprising us now and again...

Cassopolis, MI(Zone 5a)

Thanks, I am continually amazed at how much smarter Mother Nature is than I am!

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

I got my first Angel Trumpet Brugmansia/Datura about 4 years ago as a throw away seedling from Powell Gardens. I put it in a raised bed where it did very well. Since we have a native wild datura that reseeds wonderfully(?)I was dumb enough to think the Angel's Trumpet would do the same. And it has every spring since then. There do seem to be fewer sprouts each spring but I doubt the weather has much to do with that.

Morning Glories reseed wildly here. One plant can easily become dozen the next spring and hundreds the next year. I gather the seeds mostly to keep the population under some semblense of control.

We have never done well with the hybrid domesticated 4 O'Clocks but the wild ones are weeds for sure.

I have no idea what Clitorea is.

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