Sugar Snap Peas

Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)

Ok, now that I have tried and failed my first planting of sugar snap peas, I have a question for the next planting.

Even tho my peas didn't do well, and through no fault of their own I am sure, they did make some peas (a scant few)that I allowed to dry on the vine.

Can I use these next season (will be in December & January) or will they be too old then, or since they came from a failed crop, will they be a failed crop next time?

(I gave away the other packages of seeds to neighbors & winter round robins.)


Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

IF the peas matured and dried on the vine and you store them in a cool dry place this summer, the germination should be fine by next fall or winter. Whether they will produce depends on whether the originals match your climate and growing conditions.

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