What to do after bloom?

Woodville, TX(Zone 8a)

Do you remove the flower stem after bloom. Last year I just left them until they died back. Is it better to leave them or cut them back. This is only my second year to grow them and would like to get some feedback from you seasoned Iris growers. Thanks, Jan.

Deer River, MN(Zone 3b)


The only real concern about leaving spent bloomstalks in place is the possibility of bee pollenation resulting in seed pods. It doesn't happen often with irises, but it certainly does happen. If you would prefer that your irises put their energy into growth for next year's bloom, cut the stalks so they won't use up energy producing seeds. If you want the seeds, watch for the development of watermelon-shaped pods where the flowers used to be. If you do see pods developing, tie the toes of old stockings over them so you don't risk losing the seeds through natural dispersion if the pods should split open when you're not looking.

Other than that, most folks cut or snap off old stalks just as a matter of tidying up their iris beds.


Woodville, TX(Zone 8a)

Laurie, Thanks a bunch. I'll cut them off then. Just didn't want to mess up next years bloom. I had read somewhere that Daffodils needed to be left until they die back naturally to prepare the bulb for next year (so I leave them) I didn't want to goof up with the Irises if they needed to be left. Thanks again, Jan.

Deer River, MN(Zone 3b)


Removing the spent bloomstalk won't slow the plant down any. Just make sure to leave all the healthy, green foliage in place to continue to feed the plant for next year's bloom.


Woodville, TX(Zone 8a)

Thanks again, I have so much to learn. Dave's Garden members are the best! Jan.

This message was edited May 7, 2004 4:50 PM

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