Finally Friday

Boonies, SD(Zone 4b)

Good morning, folks!!
It's been a busy couple of weeks and I'm glad they are almost over. Went on a field trip, took a test for the state, (yuk, but I passed!!), and am generally getting ready for the end of school. I'm up to my eyeballs in paperwork for the next few weeks.

The Canadian geese hatched some little ones. We had about 20 all together, but a couple of them got caught in some chicken wire and hung themselves. Don't know why the goose tried to get them in that certain yard. We were running after them last weekend so we could pinion their wings. Mama wasn't happy, but the fishing net helped to catch the little ones. They are VERY protective.

I have a couple of orphaned goslings in a box since yesterday. They must have gotten lost from the adults and we couldn't figure out which pair they went to. So, for a while, they will have to be in the shed with a heat lamp until all the little ones start grouping together.

DH fired up the chain saw last week and we took down about 20 dead or dying trees. There were a couple of mulberry trees that looked like they were going to fall over, so those went too. DH did well on felling the trees, although one of the mulberries fell within 5 feet of a peach tree that I had just planted. I put in some ponderosa pines that I bought at WallyWorld and I have two Austian pines waiting to go in there too. DS asked why I was doing all this work in the back, to which I answered that at least in the back after I clean something up, nobody is going to be dumping his junk back there. LOL Little do they know that when I get done with my paperwork at school, the loader tractor is going to get a workout cleaning up the front yard. I will warn them first to get whatever 'treasures' put away, otherwise it might be sitting on the garbage pile. LOL Hopefully DH won't be taking the loader off the tractor any time soon.

Jewel, glad Julia got her job. I'm sure the kids will put her to the test when she first starts, but they respect teachers that are fair. Do they have mentor teachers where she will be at?? That always helps a first year teacher a lot.
Will also keep you and Karla in my prayers so your DH won't have to be deployed.

KJo, hope your hubby's ankle is feeling better and that he's able to get around all right.
Eva mae, sounds like you had a great time with your friend. A bunch of us like to get together to go through greenhouses too, but we never have enough room in the van to get all our stuff home, so we might have to make two trips. The hubbies just roll their eyes and shake their heads. LOL Hope Jack is feeling better too.

I brought about 10 tomato plants from my dad's yesterday. Will plant them in my wall-o-waters today. I guess I over did the tomatoes as there are about 75 plants left on the plant stand. Guess I will be giving away lots of them. ;) The cucumber plants look like they are ready to bloom, so I guess I better get them out into the garden too. So many plants, so little time!!! lol

Well, gotta run. It's teacher appreciation week so there are goodies in the lounge. Might have to go grab a donut.
Take care everyone.

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