Datura .... Double Lavender & Double Golden

Brown City, MI(Zone 5a)

Since I'm hooked on Brugs, I thought I may as well try a couple of Daturas too.

I purchased 2 today ....
1 of Double Lavender
1 of Double Golden

The Lavender one has several large buds .. both plants are at least a foot tall already.

I have no idea how to care for these. From what I 've read, it doesn't sound like you have to do much. I plan on putting them in an area that is shaded in the morning and full sun in the afternoon. Is that enough sun?

Any information, Pictures, or other advise is appreciated.

SE Arky, United States(Zone 8a)

Tree_Climber, I'm not about to ask what a Datura is, whew!!!

This message was edited May 7, 2004 2:51 PM

Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

Unless you have a totally sunny spot, that would be next best. I've heard they don't like a lot of fertilizer and then I heard they do. I've heard they are carefree and also heard they like a lot of water. Geez, I hope someone will tell us the best way to grow them. I'm basically giving up on them since I had a crop failure this year except for one kind. Hope you have good luck with yours and don't forget to post some pictures.

Brown City, MI(Zone 5a)

SherryLike ............... OK, I keep reading my post and can't find where I spelt it Datra. I hate it when I spell something wrong ;-)

I'll try to find a totally sunny spot .... Thanks for telling me that would be better.

Brown City, MI(Zone 5a)

These are internet pictures, so I can't be sure this is exactly what I purchased.

Here's Double Golden

Thumbnail by Tree_Climber
Brown City, MI(Zone 5a)

And Double Lavender

Thumbnail by Tree_Climber
Brown City, MI(Zone 5a)

Oh ........... Do Datura cross? If I want to save seed, do I have to hand pollinate?

A cross between these may be interesting.

Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

They will self pollinate, but if you want to cross the two, I think you might need to be the bee. Good Luck. I've never tried to pollinate datura, but it is surely very possible. Just a little hint.....when you see that you have a pod or twenty forming, you might want to remove all but one or two of them. Each pod will have tons more seeds that you would ever want to grow. When they are near ripening, wrap a piece of nylon stocking or remay around them and tie it so when the pod opens up, you won't lose the seeds all over the ground.

Yukon, OK(Zone 7b)

I love Daturas! They are very easy to grow and seem to be pretty carefree....just add water. They love sun and plenty of water. It seems the hotter, the better! And Shirley is right, one seed pod will have hundreds of seeds.

Here is a Black Currant Swirl (double/triple datura) from last summer.

Thumbnail by Brinda
Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

Very pretty Brinda. So water is the secret, huh!! I tend to fertilize everything when I'm out there playing in the brugs. Will have to stop doing that if I'm ever to get great looking dats again.

SE Arky, United States(Zone 8a)

Tree - I am so sorry re the spelling, you did NOT do it, twas my eyes, I type way too fast, see slowly and poorly, if spell check is here, regretfully, I have not located it. I posted a poorly attempt regarding a 'Datura', is that the correct spelling??? I use a magnifying glass to do this and make frequent errors. I do not know what a Datura is, tho I've heard it mentioned several times and I think it might be purple or lavendar blue...how is a Datura related to a brug????? Tanks!!!!! SLike

Brown City, MI(Zone 5a)

Brinda, Great Picture and what a beauty.

I hope I am sucessful with these ........... I'll have to keep my eye out for other varieties and plant them in a very sunny and hot location. The Nursery I got the Dbl Lavender and Dbl Golden, had a dbl White I think ............ I should have known I would want one of each and saved myself a trip back..... but now I have an excuse for anoter vist, not that I really need it.

Do these need any staking or support? How do they do in the wind?

SherryLike, no appology needed. I was grinning right along with you, because I do make spelling mistakes. I thought I was having a senior moment when I couldn't find the one you thought you saw ............. glad to know I wasn't going crazy.

GOD's Green Earth, United States(Zone 8b)

They are both in the tomato family (Solanaceae). The easiest way to tell them apart is that MOST datura blooms point up and MOST brugmansia blooms hang down to some degree. Mine are growing like crazy in full sun. The Datura Tatula plants are 3' by 3' from seeds started in February. The yellow, white and black currant are smaller, but all are full of buds and ready to pop! The only problem I've had with them has been munching bugs (pillbugs for the most part). Hope this helps! Gretchen

Yukon, OK(Zone 7b)

You should do fine with them. I don't stake mine and they do fine here...and believe me, we have more than our fair share of wind. Let us know when you get blooms...I'll be looking forward to seeing some pics! Enjoy!

Brown City, MI(Zone 5a)

Thanks everyone,

I'll be sure to post some pictures.

"Things that just naturally go together .... Gardening, Recipes/Cooking, Digital Photography" (I'm not much of a cook, but I have a great collection of recipes ;-)

GOD's Green Earth, United States(Zone 8b)

Here is a picture of one of my Datura Tatula that was started in February:

Thumbnail by Kaufmann
GOD's Green Earth, United States(Zone 8b)

and here is a triple yellow that's getting ready to bloom:

Thumbnail by Kaufmann
Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

Gretchen I am SO jealous! I started over a hundred Datura seeds in Jan and Feb and have about 40 babies, but none of them are more than 4 inchs tall at this point. Even the ones I decided to chance planting out weeks ago......what am I doing wrong?????
Sngl wht
Dbl Wht
Sngl Purple
Dbl Yellow
Blk Current Swirl (truely the one I want to see grow)


SE Arky, United States(Zone 8a)

Okay, I want daturas too. Does JT have them??? Happy Friday, I hope yours is as pretty as mine! SLike

Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

My Friday is gray, overcast, and drizzling...LOVE IT!! :-)
We have had so very little rain for the past 2+ months that any rain we get is truly a God send.
Maybe it will kick my baby Dats in gear and get them growing.

Brown City, MI(Zone 5a)


Everytime I see a picture of your gardens, I am truely in awe of how much work you have done and how beautiful everything is.

What is Datura Tatula? I think I have some more reading/learning to do. I think the ones I have are Datura Metel ........... the second word is the species correct?

Here's a picture of a bud on my double lavender. It will be a couple of weeks before I can plant mine outside ..... darn.

Thumbnail by Tree_Climber
Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

Beautiful TC!
Brinda your Blk Currant is just gorgeous!

GOD's Green Earth, United States(Zone 8b)

Well...thanks TC! Its a labor of love, you know. Yours is lovely!

Dat Tat is



I got a nice big handfull of seeds from Happenstance and they are growing like mad!

On some thread, someone said to "neglect" them. So they just get the same treatment as the rest of my garden, excluding brugs. Brugs get "special" treatment.

Brown City, MI(Zone 5a)


Thanks for the Links.

I'll have to try and start some from seed next year. Not as many as you ............. ;-)

GOD's Green Earth, United States(Zone 8b)

I would imagine that I'll have plenty of seed. Just remind me this fall and I'll send you plenty!

Brown City, MI(Zone 5a)

Thanks Gretchen for your kind offer.

Olathe, KS(Zone 6a)

OH MAN!!! I must get ahold of some of these dat's I don't have.
Treeclimber, lasy year was my 1st with Dat's and they were totally effortless, just add water. Mine were well established by july and were started as seeds that spring. If you can, I'll do whatever I need to in order to expand my dat collection. I have TONS of Datura inoxia which we called Moonflower. they only bloom at night and by the end of summer, each plant was producing atleast 8 flowers at any giving time per plant. I have tons of those seeds if you or anyone else wants some. These are fresh from last year and I'm getting 99% germ rates on these. Sadly I have some others that aren't germing well. D. Tatula and D. metal are doing pretty good but I have a boatload of "Double yellow" dats that will not germinate darnit. We had plans for filling 1 bed full of nothing but datura's, well I can if I only want the white D. Inoxia's. Please cross your finger's for me and my other Dat's. If anyone wants a good D. Inoxia, I have plenty of those seeds plus it looks like they self seeded in places too. I found mass cluster's of seedlings where the Dat's were last year. They can only be the Dat's seeds IMO. The cleome(spider flower's) are doing the same thing. It looks like the seed pods dropped and stayed in place until spring and now there are mass cluster's of those everywhere the parents grew.
That brings up another good question. Do Dat's etc. need to be stratified(sp) in order to get the best results? Well no cuz I have them inside and out with awesome germ rates everywhere.
Please let me know if anyone has any seeds or seedlings they would like to trade. I have plenty of both and i really want more varieties. Man I'm a plant junkie bigger than ever. Come spring there will be some very hard choices to make about who comes inside and who dies off. OHH tha gaony!LOL

Yukon, OK(Zone 7b)

JLD...email me! I think I have some extra dat seeds that I can send you!

Brown City, MI(Zone 5a)

Well, now that there is a Datura Forum, I'll have to get more Daturas this year.

Here's a picture of one of my double Yellows from last summer.

Thumbnail by Tree_Climber
Brown City, MI(Zone 5a)

Same Plant, different angle.

Thumbnail by Tree_Climber
Brown City, MI(Zone 5a)

Same Plant, and yet another view. I think this was my favorite Datura from last year.

Thumbnail by Tree_Climber
Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)

Beautiful flowers, great pictures. Maybe now that there is a Datura Forum, you can get seeds for the varities you do not have.


Brown City, MI(Zone 5a)

I've never grown Datura's from Seed, but I did save seed from my double Yellow. (Labled Double Golden at the Nursery)

I actually had forgotten about them until I was notified that my thread was moved to this new forum.

I was just going to go back to the Nursery where I purchased these last year and get lots more. Is it too late to try and grow them from seed and still get decent size plants by spring .... I mean real spring weather not what were having now. We are only just now getting some temps in the 40's.

Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)

I haven't started my yet, because I just couldn't stand having any more plants in the house.

I have been told they will bloom even if you wait until the outside temps are 70 which is a good germination temp, but the blooming could depend upon the length of you growing season. I would certainly give it a try if I were you.

If you have enough to share, you could offer some of your seeds for SASE or have a contest to see who wins them by posting at a certain time.


Brown City, MI(Zone 5a)


I have to look and see how many I have and if they are still OK. (not moldy or anything ... they are probably fine, I dried them before storage.)

I guess I have nothing to loose by starting a few .... especially now that things should be warming up and I can start using my little greenhouse. It's just a tent like one, and isn't heated, but sure helps extend the season.

Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)

Can't wait for Spring, but when those temps climb to near 100, I'll be wishing for Fall.


Greensburg, IN(Zone 6a)

I have seedlings up, about 3" but our weather will not be good enough to plant yet, how cold will the plant stand.

Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)

My mature plants did find down to 36 F. Otherwise I know nothing.


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